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Y/N's POV:


G!P reader

TW: Smut.

"Wanda, Love? You almost done?" I knock on her door waiting for an answer. Tonight we're going to a dinner with the rest of the Avengers. I'm looking forward to it honestly because I get to spend more time with my beautiful girlfriend.

"Almost baby. Two secs" Her soft voice calls back. Damn that's the most gorgeous sound on the planet. My favourite sound. I smile nodding to myself while I wait patiently outside. I make sure there's no crinkles in my new suit so I look my best for Wanda.

I'm playing snake on my apple watch when the door finally clicks open. Wanda walks into the hallway looking like a literal angel in her white dress. I think my jaw is literally on the floor because god damn does she look good. The dress makes her legs look long and smooth and to top it off she's wearing some very expensive looking white heels.

 The dress makes her legs look long and smooth and to top it off she's wearing some very expensive looking white heels

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"You look so so beautiful love" I whisper, kissing her cheek. I see the faint blush on her cheeks when I pull back. Wanda finally let's her eyes roam my body and her pupils visibly dilate. Being under her gaze is making me hella nervous. She's never looked at me this way before.

"Thank you baby. You should wear suits more often" She comments, licking her lips and then placing a kiss onto mine. "You just look so sexy" She bites down on my bottom lip, sucks on it and then releases it with a loud pop. Holy shit. 

"Get moving love birds. Can't miss the big fancy opening" Nat jokes, pushing us along the corridor. Your probably wondering why we're dressed so fancy just for a dinner. Well Tony invested in some restaurants, of course they're top class and it's like 200 dollars to even enter, so we're going to one's opening night. Tony's very excited and decide that we all need to be dragged with him not that we mind. He's paying so free food. Who doesn't love free food. Especially really really good free food.

When we meet everyone else in the living area we all share nice comments about our outfits before heading out to the cars. Tony and pepper get into a limousine and everyone else is left to drive on their own, which I don't mind one bit. I HATE being drove around places. Tony makes sure we all have fancy cars so we don't ruin the vibe and sends us on our way.

Me and Wanda get into our car and I put in the address to the restaurant, put my hand on Wanda's thigh and set off. For the whole ride Wanda doesn't take her eyes off me. They're not her normal loving eyes either. They're dark and blown. She's honestly making it hard to breathe right now. It feels so hot up in this car. Eventually we pull up to the restaurant and hand out keys to the valet.

Just from the outside you can tell how fancy this place is. I feel like if I breathe in this place everyone will be offended by my poorness but then again I am here with like the richest man in the world and I have the most beautiful woman by my side so who's assed.

Elizabeth Olsen/ Wanda Maximoff.  <<One shots>>Where stories live. Discover now