Wake up❕E.O

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Y/N's POV:

TW: Smut. Strap-on use

"Y/nnnnn" At first I think i'm dreaming until I hear it again along with a bite on my earlobe. "Y/nnnn wake up baby" I groan, slowly opening my eyes to look at the clock. 5am really.

"Nu uh Liz it's 5 in the morning" I complain. Lizzie kisses my lips a couple of times so I lazily peck back hoping it'll help her settle down but it didn't. In fact it done the exact opposite. Lizzie then move to straddle my hips and rolled hers once making me shudder.

"I'm bored babyyyy" She whines, rolling her hips against mine once again. Lizzie leans down and kisses up my neck to my ear. "let's have some fun" She whispers. Shivers run through me at her words. Great now i'm turned on. I grab Lizzie's hips to stop her from rolling them and she sits up straight, biting her lip.

"Hmmm. You wanna get ice cream or something?" I tease. Lizzie laughs and swats my arm.

"I've got something that tastes much...much... better then ice cream" She whispers while maintaining eye contact and unbuttoning her sleep shirt. I bite down on my lip and watch the little show she puts on. She flings the shirt across the room and then unhooks her bra that follows in the same fashion. And damn i'll never get over her boobs. My mouth literally hangs open and waters at the sight so I quickly close it and start to kneed her breasts. "Ah baby that feels so good" She moans.

"Get that pretty ass up here onto my face" I demand. Lizzie quickly scrambles to put her thighs either side of my head so i'm face to face with her pussy. "So wet already darling" I mumble, kissing her smooth thigh a couple of times before switching to the other thigh. "I haven't even touched you yet" I tease. Lizzie groans when I press a light kiss against her clit clearly wanting more.

"Stop messing around" She pleads. I giggle and lick a strip back to front, collecting her sweet arousal.

"I thought you wanted me to mess with you?" Before she can come up with a reply I grab her hips and smash her down onto my face, my tongue moving around like a fish out of water on her clit. Lizzie gasps at the surprise and then quickly starts moaning, gripping onto the headboard to support herself. I turn my attention from her clit to her dripping entrance where I slide my tongue in and stiffen it, thrusting it in and out. Lizzie's screams get louder and higher in pitch telling me that she's close so I stop and lift her hips up to escape from under her.

"Y/n- I. Wha-" She turns around to face me with her mouth agape. She clenches her thighs together and looks at me with pleading eyes. I smirk, pulling her naked body to lie down before spreading her legs back apart. My fingers slide through her folds teasingly while her hips thrust upwards to get any kind of friction so I put one hand on her stomach and push down so she can't move upwards.

"Oh baby. You think i'd let you cum just like that?" I say, dipping two fingers into her entrance but not enough for her to feel pleasure. Lizzie's eyes darken when she realises what side of me she's getting right now and shakes her head quickly. "Hmm. Be a good girl for mommy and you'll get everything you want" I assure her. Again before she can answer I slam two fingers into her, thrusting in and out at an animalistic pace. In no time she's back up to the same level she was a couple of minutes ago but I cease all action and remove my fingers.

"Y/n! Please!" Lizzie begs. Sitting up on her elbows.

"Thanks not my name princess" I whisper. Lizzie swallows again.

"Sorry. Mommy" She corrects herself and I smirk. Knowing I have her right where I want her.

"I want you to beg for it baby" I tell her. Moving upwards to give her soft kisses so she knows I love her. Sometimes I get worried that she forgets so I have to reassure her constantly. Stupid I know but Lizzie kisses me back just as softly and I know i'm not pushing any limits.

"Please mommy. Please make me cum. Have your way with me" She rushes out in one breath. I smile and kiss her one last time before I dip my hand into our bedside table and pull out her favourite strap. She whimpers at the sight of it but her hips thrust upwards telling me she wants it.

"I'm gonna make you feel so good" I assure her, strapping the harness to my waist and slipping out of my t-shirt. I didn't wear a bra for bed last night so my boobs are already bare giving me one less job. I'm sure Lizzie is thankful too because it means I can fuck her faster.

"Please" She whimpers again. I slide the tip through her wet folds to lube it up and slowly push it in so it doesn't hurt her. I mean sure we use it all the time but it's quite big so I always give her time to adjust. "Fuck mommy. You feel so good inside of me" She screams. I start to thrust in and out while gradually picking up my pace. "Harder" She requests to I oblige. Going deeper then ever, hitting all the right spots.

After a few moments Lizzie's moans sound like little squeaks so I know she's about to release after a couple more thrusts and honestly i'm close from just watching her face contort in pleasure. "Fuck I love you so much" I whisper into her ear, kissing her neck softly. When I find her pulse point I bite down on it and it sends Lizzie flying over the edge. When I pull the strap all the way out Lizzie squirts making my own orgasm rip through me. So I do it again and again, prolonging her orgasm until she isn't squirting anymore.

Quickly I take the strap off my hips and throw it onto the floor somewhere. Then I run off into the bathroom to get a warm cloth. I clean Lizzie up before strategically moving her around the bed to strip the sheets and put new ones on. She seems to be in some sort of daze and isn't speaking so I run down the stairs to put the sheets in the washing basket and come back up. When I walk back into the bedroom Lizzie is lying down on the fresh linen, still naked, staring at the ceiling and crying.

I rush over and grab some shorts and one of my baggy t-shirt before rushing over to her, scooping her up and dressing her gently while I whisper sweet nothings in her ear. "Lizzie baby what's wrong? Did I go too far?" I ask in a worried tone. She shakes her head and looks up at me. I wipe the tears from her eyes and kiss both of them waiting for her answer.

"No no. I think that was the best we've ever had but you told me you loved me" She cries again and I look around the room confused. I always tell her I love her what's so different now.

"Baby...I always tell you I love you" I point out and she nods.

"You do" She confirms. "But never when your 8inches deep inside of me...Do you know what that does to a woman" She cries again so I hold her closer. Rocking her back and forth like a baby.

"I love you so much and i'll never stop telling you that... wether i'm 8 inches deep inside you or not" I giggle the last bit and she laughs too.

"Can we actually get some ice cream though i'm hungry" She says. I laugh even louder but look at the clock.

"Later on. It's only 7am" I point to the clock and she nods. "Breakfast though? I'll cook?"

"The pancakes you cook in the shape of Mickey mouse?" She checks. I grin from ear to ear and nod. She squeals and jumps up. Such a child. How does she even have energy after she's been fucked for the past 2 hours?

"Shower first thought I wanna make you feel good" She states, standing by the bathroom door, curling her finger in a come here motion. I jump up and run towards her.

What a fucking morning.

Elizabeth Olsen/ Wanda Maximoff.  <<One shots>>Where stories live. Discover now