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Y/n's POV

G!P Reader

TW: Smut

Lizzie has been a little fucking tease for the past couple of days and it's honestly driving me insane. She'll come over, grind on my dick, make me hard and then just walk away. Like nothing happened leaving me high and dry. So here is my payback. I'm gonna tease her so bad and not give in until she's begging for me. It's gonna be great.

So here I am in bed waiting for Lizzie to be finished in the bathroom. I know she's horny because she's been trying to tease me all day but it just ends up with her being flustered instead. Lizzie walks out of the bathroom and slips into the sheets next to me, nuzzling herself into my side while lightly scratching at my abs. She makes her way lower by the second so I quickly face her and wrap my arms around her body so she can't move. She turns around so her back is flushed against my front and starts grinding her ass against my crotch. It takes everything in me not to get hard and eventually she stops with a huff. I kiss her cheek and say "Goodnight baby, I love you"

"I love you too" She hums and her body relaxes into the bed. Wanting to start my teasing straight away I move my hand down and cup her core. Lizzie gasps and tries to get my attention.
"Y/n? Y/n are you awake?" She whispers into the silence. I let out a fake snore in response making Lizzie sigh. She seems to buy that i'm asleep so she settles back down but moves my hand back so it's around her stomach.

The next morning I wake up to Lizzie pressing kisses all around my face. "Wake up lazy" She giggled as I groan.

"No. 5 more minutes" I plead but she doesn't accept this and starts to grind herself on me. As soon as I feel it I flip us over and press myself into her making her squeal in response. "Don't start something you can't finish Elizabeth" I whisper, biting the shell of her ear. Lizzie moans at my words and I get up to get in the shower, pleased with my work.

Throughout the day I tease Lizzie relentlessly. Every time she thinks i'm about to give in but I end up walking away, leaving her high and certainly not dry. All day i've been walking around the house in just my joggers and no shirt because I know the look drives her fucking crazy. I also worked out in the garden today while she was outside reading instead of in our little gym. My excuse was 'it's too hot for the gym today baby' even though our gym has AC. After my workout Lizzie hands me a towel to wipe the sweat off her forehead. "Thank you baby" I coo and give her a sweet kiss. Lizzie tries to deepen the kiss but I pull away. "i'm gonna hit the shower"

"Ooo i'm gonna join" She smirks, slamming her book shut and attempting to get up out of her chair. I gently push her back down.

"Actually i'm just gonna be quick" I smile. Lizzie's eyebrows furrow and a pout comes upon her lips. Shit I feel bad. No Y/n come on keep this up. I quickly kiss the pout away and run upstairs to take my shower.

It's later on in the night and once again i'm waiting for Lizzie to come out of the bathroom. Truth is I can't sleep when Lizzie isn't next to me. I find it impossible. She eventually comes out the bathroom in a matching red lace set. My jaw drops but I cover it up with a smile. Lizzie seductively leans against the doorframe and my dick betrays me instantly getting hard. I cover it up by putting my leg up. Lizzie smirks and makes her way over to the bed.

"You look cute" I smile and she furrows her brows.

"Cute?" She questions and I nod. Lizzie scoffs and covers herself up with one of my t-shirts. "Cute" She mumbles in an angry tone, slipping into bed. Lizzie doesn't cuddle up to me like she usually does so I make my way over to her and cuddle my face into her neck making sure that my hard dick doesn't touch her.

Elizabeth Olsen/ Wanda Maximoff.  <<One shots>>Where stories live. Discover now