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Lizzie's POV:


TW: Smut

I'm currently sitting on our bed in a mood. You see my fiancé Y/N has spent all day on her stupid phone on face time with 'the boys' trying to sort a night out with them all when we've barley spent any time together all week due to me filming my new solo Scarlett Witch film. In a huff I decide to get off of the bed and walk into the living room. There she is, sitting on the couch laughing with her airpods in her ears.

"Nah can't do that day. Me and Liz have a dinner" She speaks into the room. Oh so she does know i'm a person. I walk over and sit on the couch next to her, resting my head on her shoulder but she gently pushes me off of her. "I'm talking baby" She tells me and I sit back and exhale loudly. Y/n doesn't react to my loud huff so I do it one more time so see if she speaks to me. Nothing.

Honestly she's pissing me the fuck off. Usually all she wants to do is cuddle and tell me how beautiful I am and how much she loves me but when she talks to her friends, which we're my friends first by the way, it's like i'm not even a person. Not that i'm against her speaking to her friends but she could talk to me you know. "Yeah she's here... Chrissy says hi" She tells me and then turns her attention back to the screen.

"Y/N" I say softly but she ignores me. "Y/NNNNNN" I drag on and still no response she's just talking into the phone. That's it i've had enough of her shit. I get up off the couch and wonder into the kitchen to make some pasta. After it's done I sit on the table. I also done Y/N a plate and set it on the table across from me. A few moments later she wonders out into the kitchen.

"Smells great in here baby" She says as she kisses my head and then sits across from me. I finish up and grab my plate. I also grab Y/N's plate even though she's not done eating and start to wash them both. "I wasn't finished" She pouts and I shrug. "Baby what's wrong?" She asks softly.

"What's wrong? What's fucking wrong!" I shout, turning to face her after I dry my hands. "Your what's wrong Y/N! I've been home all day wanting cuddles and you've been on your stupid fucking phone!"

"Come on Lizzie don't be a brat!"

"A brat? A BRAT!" Y/n stands there, allowing me to shout around the house, a dark glint in her eyes. "We haven't seen each other all week!" I say pacing around the kitchen.

"It's not my fault your always at work!" She shouts back reacting to my anger.

"Don't pull that on me! You know full well i'd rather be here with you!" I tell her flailing my arms about. "WHATS A GIRL GOTTA DO TO GET SOME ATTENTION!" I scream and Y/N looks at me and starts laughing. "Oh you think this is funny?"

"No. No i'm sorry. You just- You look like a t-rex when you move your arms around like that" She giggles. I roll my eyes and storm away from her into our room. "Lizzie baby come back here. Stop being a child!" Y/N shouts after me but I keep walking.

"Leave me alone" I say as i'm walking into the bathroom. Just as i'm about to enter she grabs my wrist.

"I'm sorry okay. I'm really sorry Elizabeth" She whispers and pulls me closer to her. I know she only calls me Elizabeth when she's really angry or during sex and she's certainly not angry right now. Both of her hands are on my hips now holding me against her with my hands on her chest. "Im going to pay attention to every. Single. Part of your body. Starting with these lips" Y/N kisses me softly making all my anger slip away. "Is that something you want princess?" She whispers against my lips. Erm why was I angry again?

"I- you- please" I breath out. Y/N takes me over to the bed and lies me down softly. Kissing every inch of my face making me giggle. She then moves her kisses to my neck instantly finding my sweet spot and biting down on it making me moan loudly. I feel her smirk into my neck and she continues to kiss around it. No doubt leaving marks in every single place she kisses. My makeup artists are going to hate her next week.

I reach down and pull off my oversized T-shirt revealing my black lace panties and bare chest. Y/N moans at the sight, her mouth hanging wide open with literal drool leaking out of the corner. "Like what you see?" I tease and she nods. I love that I have the same effect on her that I did all those years ago. My thoughts are quickly shut off when Y/N attaches her mouth to my right nipple, sucking and nipping on it. "Oh fuck" I moan out as she drags her tongue across my chest to give my other breast the same attention.

After she's done on my chest she moves her kisses down my stomach, dipping her tongue into my belly button making me squirm. I've got a really ticklish belly button hence why she always does that with her tongue. Once she reaches my pantie line she drags them down my thighs with her teeth before using her hands to get them off the rest of my legs. She mustn't feel like teasing today because she dives right in with her tongue. Flicking it over my clit at an animalistic pace, not even giving me time to adjust. "Fuck baby!" I scream and she adds more pressure with her tongue. Just as i'm getting closer she puts two fingers into me pumping in and out, curling them to hit my g-spot every time. One of my hands is in her hair, pushing her against me more and my other hand is gripping the sheets. "I'm so close" I whimper.

"Come for me baby" She mumbles against my clit and I release all over her face and fingers. She slowly kisses up my body and locks me into a passionate kiss allowing me to taste myself. I moan into the kiss and tug on her sweats to get them off so she's just as naked as I am. Y/n aids me in getting all her clothes off until we're both bare. "How flexible are you?" She asks me. I shrug. Why does she want to know that?

My question is soon answered when she grabs my ankle of my left leg and pins it beside my head. She bends my right leg slightly so it's a little more comfortable but not a lot more though and gives me a smirk. I whimper at the look in her eyes and before I know it two fingers are plunged inside of me, hitting all kinds of new spots. "Holy shit! Oh fuck!" I shout, making her speed up her movements. In no time i'm back up to that same high and releasing all over her fingers.

She carries on thrusting in and out until i've rode out my high. I sigh out feeling very satisfied but by the looks of things Y/n isn't done. She moves my legs apart, adjusting herself so when she sits down her pussy touches mine. I let out a little groan since i'm still sensitive. "Can you give me one more?" Y/n asks sweetly, tucking loose hair behind my ear. I nod eagerly as Y/n begins to grind down on me. Let me tell you it feels really fucking good.

Every time her clit bumps against mine it sends an insane amount of pleasure shooting through my body. Nothing has ever felt this good ever. After a few minutes Y/n's movements start getting sloppy so I decide to help her out by grabbing her hips and keeping her movements up. "Lizzie!" She squeals, both of us coming undone at the same time.

After we caught out breath Y/n gently removed herself from my body, running into the bathroom to grab a cloth like she always does. When she comes back she's already in a pair of underwear and a long top, with another top slung over her shoulder which I assume is for me.

She cleans me up, puts a pair of underwear on me and slips the top over my head, giving me sweet kisses after she puts on the pieces of clothing. Next she changes the sheets while strategically moving me around the bed so I don't have to stand up, not that I can anyway but hey ho. Just when we were about to cuddle and watch shitty Saturday night TV Y/n gets up and runs down the stairs.

Minutes later she comes back with a plate of leftover pasta. I tilt my head at her because she knows she shouldn't eat this late. "What? Don't look at me like that I didn't get to eat earlier on. This mean woman took my plate away when I was only half done" She pouts. I roll my eyes in response and open the covers for her to get in.

For the rest of the night we cuddle under the sheets, watching shows and films, making each other giggle until finally sleep catches up with us.

A/N- I was gonna go down the whole "you act like a brat get treated like a brat" road but then I couldn't be bothered changing it all because I already had it wrote out so sorry😞

BUT I am gonna do it on the next one so don't you worry it is coming just not this chapter. Sorry if your disappointed :(

ALSOOO I've got limited ideas left so if anyone has something they wanna see then ya know just hit me up dude :)

New chap of photographs should be out tomorrow I just need to proof read and bla bla bla u know the boring stuff.

My thumbs are hurting now though so byeee <3

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