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Y/N's POV:

G!P reader

TW: Smut

Today was the day I got back from my 6 month tour in Afghanistan. I was home a week early and still hadn't told my fiancée Lizzie because I wanted to surprise her. So here I am in a cab on my way to our house playing with my fingers because i'm so nervous. We've spoken almost every day but i've missed her so fucking much.

I've missed her voice, her laugh, her lips, her kisses and cuddles, her touch. Ugh I just miss everything about her. As i'm lost in thought the cab pulls up to our house. I thank the driver and hand him the fare for the cab and also a generous tip before going to the trunk to get my bags out.

I was still dressed in my camouflage combats, a white top and my combat boots knowing how much she loved me in uniform. As quietly as I could I clicked open the front door and gently set my bags down beside it. I looked around all downstairs and there was no sign of Lizzie. Frowning I decided to text Scarlett because it was her job to make sure she was home. Scarlett gets back to me in the matter of minutes telling me she's definitely there and maybe she's just in the shower.

That makes sense. I sit on the couch and wait until I hear any movement upstairs to go up there. That's until I hear a loud moan come from upstairs. I've heard that moan before. Plenty of times. She's not? No. She wouldn't. Another moan took me out of my trace and this time more little moans followed. I slowly tiptoed up the stairs and towards our room where the moans of course got louder.

Building up every ounce of courage that was in me I opened the door and walked into the room. My eyes were instantly met by a pair of emerald green ones. Lizzie had a vibrator pressed against her clit and two fingers inside of herself. My eyes were flicking down between her dripping core and her cute little face and right now I wasn't sure if I wanted to fuck the shit out of her or hug her until she dies because I haven't seen her for that long.

"Baby your home!" She squeals, stopping everything she's doing and wrapping her naked body around me.

"I'm home baby. I've missed you so much" I tell her and she hums into me.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming back" She asks while slapping my shoulder.

"I wanted to surprise you" I giggle. "And by the looks of it Ms Olsen I did catch you by surprise" Lizzie blushes hard when she thinks about what I walked in on her doing and it just makes me grin. "Don't be ashamed. It was hot. Why don't you get that pretty little ass on the bed and finish yourself off while I watch" I husk out and nibble on her earlobe. Lizzie rushes back over to the bed after I place a small smack on her ass to continue what she started.

She presses the vibrator back onto her clit and moans loudly as she does so, throwing her head back in a state of euphoria. Slowly I kick my boots off and slip off my shirt leaving me in only my combats. Lizzie's head comes back up and she locks eyes with me for a moment before letting her eyes rake up and down my half naked body, taking in my abs and growing bulge. Seconds later she comes undone screaming my name as she orgasms.

"You did so well for me baby" I whisper and place a kiss on her lips which she lazily returns. "You couldn't wait till I got home?" I tease and she shakes her head no while wrapping her arms around my neck. I hover over her in the bed my crotch pressing against her sensitive core as she tries to speak.

"N-no. It's been a long six months. Without your fingers or your magical tongue. Without that" She nods towards my crotch and we both giggle but I make her moan when I press my hardened self against her a little.

"You've just missed the sex? You haven't missed me?" I pout and she has a fuzzy smile on her face.

"You didn't let me finish" She scolds and continues to talk. "But above all that i've missed your smile the most. The way your eyes crinkle when you laugh and those ugly cute snorts you do in the middle of laughing fits. I've missed you so much my love" She whispers and a small tear falls from my eye.

"I love you" I say back and we share a passionate kiss.

"Now respectfully fuck the living shit out of me" She requests and I laugh at her goofiness.

"As you wish malady" I say in my best british accent making Lizzie giggle. I stand up and shimmy out of my combats and then drop my boxers so that my erection can spring free. Lizzie gasps as she eyes it up and I hover back over her. I place kisses on her neck and slowly start to move down but Lizzie grabs my head.

"No teasing. I need you now" She says in a sultry tone and I nod. I continue to kiss her neck, biting and soothing it with my tongue while I line my tip up with her entrance. "Oh fuck baby!" She whines as I bottom out in one thrust, gradually picking up the pace. I'm thrusting fast and hard now no doubt hitting her g-spot every single time because she's a mess under me. I lazily peck her lips but she's unable to kiss me back because of the pleasure i'm giving her. "I'm so close" She whimpers and I nod.

"That's okay come for me princess" I whisper into her ear and bite it. With that she drenches my cock but I carry on thrusting even harder to build her up to her second orgasm.

"Baby you make me feel s-s'good" She moans and I smile widely at her. "I'm so close again" She tells me, tears pricking the corner of her eyes.

"Hold on one second baby. Wait for me" I request and she shakes her head.

"I can't daddy I can't"

"You can princess." I throw in a few extra hard thrusts to get me to my climax. "Okay. Come with me baby" I say and we both release holding each other close. I gently slip out of her and she groans at the emptiness but quickly comes up to cuddle into me.

"I've missed you so much Y/N"

"You have no idea how much i've missed you angel" We share a couple of lazy kisses until my belly rumbles.

"You wanna go get some lunch?" I nod and smile.

"That would be great" I tell her, moving the stray hairs out of her face.

"Okay love. Let's go shower and we will go out" She says as she pulls me along to the bathroom. Let me tell you that shower was far from PG and i'm just so happy i've got my soon to be wife back in my arms. That was my last tour with the military so it's even better that I know i'll never have to leave her again.
Hello mothafuckas :)

Elizabeth Olsen/ Wanda Maximoff.  <<One shots>>Where stories live. Discover now