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Y/N's POV:

requested by anonymous

G!P Lizzie

TW: Public sex (Kinda)

"Hey Liz" I greet with her with a sweet kiss on the head. Lizzie grins up at me offering a 'hey' back. I've just arrived at our trailer on set of the new film I am lucky to be starring in alongside the one and only Elizabeth Olsen. I did have my own trailer but it was just more fun to share with Lizzie since we've become best friends during filming.

I set my bag down, fixing the outfit I had just put on for our next scene. Glancing at Lizzie I see that she's touching up her hair and god does she look good doing it. I will never understand how someone looks so beautiful doing the simplest task. I've thought of asking her on a date plenty of times but never have. How embarrassing would it be if I asked and she wasn't interested.

A sudden knock on the trailer door catches my attention back and I look up to open it. One of the crew members, Jake, is here looking at me with a smirk. "They want you and Elizabeth on set now" He tells me and I nod signalling for Lizzie to follow and then locking the trailer door both of us following Jake to set.

On the way there me and Lizzie playfully bump shoulders until she bumps me a little hard and I fall over into some nearby bushes. "Oh my god!" Lizzie squeals, bursting out into laughter, hunching over while holding her stomach. I sit on my ass staring up at her in shock for a moment before getting up and poking her lightly in the sides knowing how much it tickles her.

"Think it's funny now huh Elizabeth?" I ask, moving my fingers quickly so now i'm ticking her sides. Lizzie squeals more and pins my hands by my sides. Fuck she's actually fucking strong.

"No! I'm sorry I didn't mean to push that hard" She laughs and I hum narrowing my eyes at her. A cough from behind us makes both of our heads move. Jake stands there looking unimpressed, tapping his foot on the floor waiting for us to follow.

"Anytime now ladies" He huffs. Jake begins to walk towards set again me and Elizabeth trailing behind.

"Asshole" I mumble. Lizzie snorts from next to me so I nudge her one more time before Jake shouts again.

When we get on the set after fucking about the walk there the scene seems to be set in a bedroom. It looks quite romantic too. Oh god are we shooting a sex scene today? Just as i'm about to ask the director make their way up to me. "Hey Y/N. Today you'll be shooting a sex scene between yours and Lizzie's character. Please try not to laugh. I know how you two are together" He smiles politely and walks away to his chair facing the makeshift room.

Lizzie and I share a glance already trying to hold in a laugh. I don't think we will survive this without doing at least 100 takes.

"Best behaviour Miss Olsen" I whisper and she giggles quietly.

"I'm very professional Miss Y/l/n. It's you who should behave. You always get me in trouble" I shake my head, waving my hand and walking away from her. I'm very sure she is the one who always gets us in trouble.

"Today I just want to get the intimate scene girls and then tomorrow we will go over lines and shoot the part before. Im not feeling very well so I'd like to get this done quickly please" The director shouts from across the room. Fucking hell why is everyone cranky today. A second later we're getting pushed onto set. We take our starting positions and share a little bit eye contact waiting for someone to shout action.

"Andddd... Action!"

As soon as the words were said Lizzie's lips were on mine in an intense kiss while she gently guided me back towards the bed and sat down allowing me to straddle her hips, making sure to not break the kiss. Her hands travelled all around my body before gently cupping my breasts through her dress. God this feels fucking amazing. Lizzie moans into my mouth and I smirk into the kiss. This doesn't really feel like acting anymore

I glide my tongue across her bottom lip and she grants me access immediately. Our tongues dance perfectly together. There's no better feeling in the world then kissing Elizabeth Chase Olsen I can tell you that for a fact. Lizzie starts to grind her centre against my crotch until I feel something hard pressing against my hot core. I moan softly into her mouth as she rubs more against me.

Suddenly Lizzie stands up, gripping me by the thighs, and pushing me against the fake wall of the set. As my back hits the wall I let out a throaty moan and Lizzie responds by moaning herself. I move my kisses to her jawline and neck and slip my hand to the zipper of her jeans. Obviously to make the scene look more real not for any other reason. Once it's unzipped I look down to see a tent straining against her boxers. Subconsciously I bite my lip and look her in the eyes which are completely black with lust.

I reconnect our lips as she continues to grind herself against me. Lizzie seems to loose composure, burying her face in my neck, sucking to try and suppress her loud moans. I smile, gripping her hair and kissing the side of her head. This definitely was not acting.

"CUT!" I barely hear the director shout because of the loudest moan I've heard came out of Lizzie's mouth. I feel something wet spill onto the skirt through to my panties. Did she just? Cum on me? Lizzie looks up from my neck with wide eyes quickly putting me down, Zipping her pants and rushing away.

"I- I i'm sorry" She rushes out and then in a second she's gone.

"That was amazing y/n! Some of your best work yet! You two have never been so serious in a scene. Definitely using that for the film. Your free to go" He chuckles but I don't hear him as i'm too busy looking in the direction Lizzie ran. 

When I make it back to the trailer Lizzie is sitting on the couch with her head in her hands, Anxiously bouncing her leg up and down. Slowly I walk over and pull her hands away so I can see her gorgeous face.

"Y/n I'm so sorry I- I couldn't stop it. I-I was just so- Hmpfff" I don't give her a chance to finish as I smash my lips against hers matching the intensity of the kiss in the scene.

"Stop talking" I mumble in between kisses. Due to Lizzie's surprise she doesn't kiss back straight away but eventually comes to her senses giving me the best kiss of my life.

"Do you want to go on a date with me?" She asks, momentarily disconnecting her lips from mine.

"I would love nothing more" I nod. If only I knew she felt the way she did about me this could have been a thing much faster.

Hello :) I am back. Just a quick one today something to entertain you all. More coming soon don't worry x

If you wanna know why i've been gone so long here is the reason.

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