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Y/n's POV:

Fem reader

TW: Smut. Strap-on use.

"Y/N! SAM!" We hear Tony scream from down the hall. Me and Sam look at each other snickering quietly as he walks into the room with a female robot.

"Yes Mr Stark?" I ask innocently.

"Do you two mind telling me why this robot just tried to SEDUCE ME!" He screams and the robot gently caresses his cheek which only sends me and Sam into more fits of laughter. Next thing we know Tony has the arm of his suit on and has blasted the head off the robot.

"HEY! I spent all morning making Susan for you" I pout. Tony raises his eyebrows and Sam face palms because i've just grassed myself up.

"Why would you make Susan for me?"

"Well Pepper is on a business trip so" Tony quickly cuts me off.

"Don't even finish that sentence kid! Your not allowed in the lab without my permission anymore" He says in a stern voice and I nod. With that he picks up what's left of Susan and exits the room. Me and Sam burst into another fit of laughter.

Over the past month we've been pranking everyone in the compound. They're definitely fed up of our shit but it's far too funny to stop. So far we've dyed Steve's hair blue, which still hasn't came out by the way, We swapped Bucky's arm for this big dildo we found online, that was one of the best, We made Natasha think she was invisible once, we managed to get everyone in on that one. She was so confused and after a while she cried, making us all cave. We haven't done another prank on her since because we felt too bad. Banner, Barton and Thor were just little scares that almost ended up with us getting squashed or shot with an arrow. And then we got Tony today. The only person we haven't pranked is Wanda. Only because she is my girlfriend and I don't want to be in her bad books.

"Now we only have to get Wanda" Sam giggles and I shake my head. "Oh come onnnn. I have a perfect idea. We put viagra in her drink and then she will be horny all night" he giggles again and I shake my head.

"No" I say sternly. He puts his arms out as to say 'why'.

"Oh come on. It's a win win. We can officially say we've pranked everyone in here and you get sex" He try's to reason but that is definitely not something i'm gonna do.

"I don't need viagra to have sex Samual" I tell him.

"Y/N it will be funny" He tries again.

"No. We're not spiking my girlfriend" I tell him one last time. After that I walk off to go find my girlfriend.


It's later on in the day and Tony has called a bonding night. I love nights like this. We all sit in the theatre room, order a big feast and watch a film. We do this like once every two weeks and I genuinely believe it's the best part of being an avenger.

"Right foods here!" Tony shouts while he enters the room with lots of bags and boxes of food that everyone's ordered. Everyone cheers and starts collecting their meals and snacks. Then Sam comes in with a tray of drinks and hands everyone their own one.

"For you Witchy" Sam winks as he hands Wanda a drink. I glare at him, still mad that he suggested the prank earlier on. "And for you Y/N" He winks again and we both take our drinks off of him before he goes around handing all of the other drinks out.

"This looks yummy" Wanda says and I agree.

"You always pick the best food princess" I whisper and she grins at me before giving me a sweet kiss.

Elizabeth Olsen/ Wanda Maximoff.  <<One shots>>Where stories live. Discover now