Your in love with her pt.2❕

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Y/N's POV:

G!P reader

TW: Smut. First time.

It's been a month since mine and Lizzie's confession in my living room. To say it's going well is an understatement. I've been driving down to her college for the weekend taking her on dates and spending as much time with her as possible. Sometimes I drive down through the week if she's not swarmed with work. I even asked her to be my girlfriend and of course she said yes. So I am currently the luckiest woman on fucking planet earth. We are yet to be intimate though. Which I don't mind at all because i've just been enjoying her company but i'm really fucking horny. All I wanna do is just rip her clothes off when i'm around her but I want her to be 110% comfortable with it before we do anything.

Lizzie's coming down to me this weekend. She made sure to get all her assignments done for it so she can give me all her attention. I don't think anything will happen though seems as Scarlett and my parents will be home but hey we will see how it goes.

Anyway i'm lying back on my favourite couch reading. Yes you guessed it. A comic book. A Scarlett witch one to be exact. Lizzie wants to be an actor how cool would it be if she landed the Scarlett witch role. It's wishful thinking I know but I can't get the image of her in that fucking costume out of my head. Scarlett came home for the week because her classes had a little break so she and Mom are sitting on the other couch while Dad is sitting on his chair trying to work his new phone. I chuckle at him and watch as he huffs and places his phone down on the arm of the chair.

"I forgot to tell you kids that me and your mother are going away this weekend" He blurts out randomly and I look at Scarlett who smirks. Knowing that Lizzie is coming this weekend.

"What for?" I ask. Usually they go away for business or a family event but we usually go too.

"Just a... romantic getaway" He grins. Me and Scarlett gag while my mother goes a deep shade of red. "Isn't Lizzie coming today?" I nod and smile at the thought of her. All three of them gag at me before erupting into giggles. I roll my eyes at them and go back to reading my comic.

"She'll be here later tonight" I tell them and they nod and we fall into random conversation. Where Scarlett reveals some interesting news.

"I have a date tonight" She admits and me and my dad spin around.

"With who?" We say in sync. Scarlett may be my older sister but i'm still really protective.

"Sebastian Stan" She blushes and I narrow my eyebrows.

"Like my friend Seb?" She nods and I pull a strange face.

"Your literally dating my best friend" She huffs.

"Fair" I says Accepting defeat by giving her a high five knowing I can't really say much without being a hypocrite.

It's 6pm and Lizzie should be here any minute. My mom and dad left like an hour ago and Scarlett is getting ready upstairs for her date with Sebastian.

There's a knock on the door and I jump up to open it thinking that it was Lizzie. But to my disappointment it's Seb. My smile instantly fades away and I put on a stern face.

"Hey man" He chirps, putting a fist out for a bump but I stand with my arms crossed. "Okay... Just get the 'You hurt her I hurt you' talk out of the way" He sighs and goes to walk in but I stay put.

"You hurt her I will kill you. My girl is her best friend. I'll find out everything" I narrow my eyes at him while he gulps.

"God Y/N/N cut the boy some slack" A voice comes from behind him. My eyes instantly soften and I push Seb out of the way to see Lizzie standing behind him with a wide smile, running up to her her she instantly drop her bags. I pick her up and spin her around in the air. The squeals she lets out are adorable. Eventually I put her back down because i'm getting dizzy. She wraps her arms around my neck while I put mine around her waist and she pulls me into a sweet kiss.

Elizabeth Olsen/ Wanda Maximoff.  <<One shots>>Where stories live. Discover now