How do you feel?❕E.O

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Lizzie's POV:


TW: Smut.

Sitting across from me on her bed, which is other side of the dorm room, Y/n flicks through the pages of her book, highlighting a few lines that caught her interest with her tongue poking out the side of her mouth. God she looks so adorable right now in her own little world.

"You really shouldn't stare at people" Y/n's voice floats through the room, though she doesn't look up from her book instead she highlights another sentence and scribbles something down in pencil.

"I- I wasn't" Terrible lie. I'm pretty sure i've been staring at her for the past half an hour trying to build up the courage to ask her a question.

"Mhm" She hums softly. "Do you need something Liz?"

"No- Well yes. How did you? Like when did you realise?" No matter how hard I try to ask it never leaves my mouth. Y/n finally looks up from her book with raised eyebrows.

"Have you forgotten how to speak english?" She chuckles, shaking her head.

"Howdidyouknowyoulikedgirls?" I blurt out all in one fast sentence. Meeting her eyes again they're full of amusement and to match the look in her eyes a corner of her mouth is fighting not to tug upwards into a smirk.

"How did I know I liked girls?" Y/n repeats the question while she marks the page she was up to, placing it down on her bedside table. Clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth she stands up and comes to sit on my bed. "While everyone else was talking about how hot Zayn Malik was from One Direction I was gushing about Jade Thirwall from Little Mix" I laugh at her response knowing to this day the obsession she holds over that woman. "And plus you kinda just know anyway."

"Well I'm having doubts about my... sexuality" I reveal timidly. "A-and I want to explore but i'm scared. I want it to be with someone I trust and that gets me. Someone who knows what they're doing" I whine. Meanwhile Y/n is looking at me with a glint in her eye.

"Okay I have an idea" She decides. "Sit down here" Y/n taps her lap and my eyes widen.


"Come Lizzie it's okay" Silently I get up and straddle her lap. "How do you feel?"

"Comfortable" I laugh, wrapping my arms around her neck.

"Mhm" Slowly Y/n tilts my head up with two fingers, leans in and places a soft kiss on my lips. Even though the kiss only lasts a few seconds I find myself keeping my eyes shut reeling in the feeling of her lips on mine. "And?"

"Do that again" As I demanded Y/n kisses me again this time it's harder and it lasts longer. Her tongue swipes my lip asking if it can enter which I allow it and god does it feel good. Y/n's tongue expertly swipes against mine again and again causing a little moan to bubble from the back of my throat. At that moment Y/n decides to pull away leaving me chasing after her luscious lips.

"Do you want more?" She asks carefully causing me to nod instantly. "And what do you want?" Her hands go to my hips, squeezing them lightly making them jerk forwards slightly. Every inch of my body reacts to her and I can tell she likes it by the way she's smirking into my neck.

"I- I want you t-to" Soothingly her hand goes from my hip to my hair letting me know it's okay to tell her what I want. "I want you to kiss me... on my pussy" The last word leaves my mouth so quietly I doubt she even heard me but the little moan that leaves her mouth tells me she did.

Gently she places me on my back and scoots me up the bed to ensure my head is on the pillows and then kisses me sweetly again. Only this time her hand reaches up my shirt stopping just below my breast waiting for my move next so I place my hand on top of hers and move it so she's cupping my left boob. Luckily i'm not wearing a bra today because that's just extra work.

Having the approval she needs Y/n starts to squeeze lightly making jolts of electricity shoot down to my clit but when I feel the pad of her thumb brush over my nipple I notice the uncomfortable wet feeling in my panties. "Y/n" I whine breaking the kiss for a second.

"What's the matter?" Her sweet voice asks, her eyes filled with care. I push my hands into her hair, scratching on her scalp knowing that it's a relaxation spot for her.

"I feel sticky" I mumble. Y/n moves me up the bed a little more with a smirk.

"That means i'm doing a good job" Instead of resuming the kiss like I hoped she starts to trail wet kisses down the side of my cheek and neck, sucking a mark right on my collar bone. That little fucker. "Shirt on or off?" She asks breaking me out my trance.

My reply is delayed while I think about it. "On please. It's just i'm a little insecure abo-"

"Don't apologise. This is about making you feel safe and comfortable. I'm not going to force you into anything. Whatever you say goes" Her words are firm and make me feel a lot more relaxed.

"Thank you" I whisper.

"It's just basic human decency" She shrugs. Her next stop is my sleep shorts where she places two fingers over the fabric and rubs in tiny little circles. My body reacts by arching along with a loud moan leaving my lips. "You like that?"

"Yes" I hiss, moving my hips along with her fingers. "Take the shorts off"
Y/n listens removing the shorts and then going back to rubbing my through my underwear.

"Do you know how long i've wanted to touch you Lizzie?" She breathes her hot breath hitting my clit through the fabric. "So. Fucking. Long"

"Please Y/n" Another pathetic whine exits me as I push my own panties off revealing myself to her. The moan that leaves her lips makes me ever wetter. The look of hunger and lust in her eyes is unlike anything i've ever seen before. "Please kiss me there"

"Are you 100% sure?" I nod with a quick yes eager to feel her tongue on me. And when I do. God when I do it feels fucking amazing. Better then i've ever imagined. Yes I have imagined this happening a few times but I never thought it ever would.

Her hot tongue swirls around my clit before dipping down to my entrance and plunging in at a fast pace. My body is already spasming with overloaded pleasure. Loud ass moans tear from my throat before I can stop them so I throw a pillow over my face so the next dorm doesn't hate us. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck" I moan into the pillow. With one hand I grip her hair, keeping her exactly where I want her while the other presses the pillow into my face.

Without warning Y/n reaches up and tweaks a nipple under my shirt making me completely loose control and flood her mouth with my cum. With a scream I start to calm down. I feel Y/n shift and then something wipe down my sensitive pussy.

"Can I see that beautiful face please?" I hear her ask. With a heavy breath I pull the pillow off of me discarding it somewhere. Looking down on me is a gorgeous pair of y/e/c eyes. "Are you okay? How do you feel?"

"I feel like I definitely want that to happen again" A wide grin invades both of our faces. "Only with you" I whisper, pulling her in for a hug.

"I'm so in love with you Lizzie" Y/n mumbles into my neck, leaving butterfly kisses there. "And you don't have to say it back but I just needed you to know" Her whole body relaxes on top of me, gripping me tightly like she is afraid i'm going to push her off.

"I love you more" I admit. For the whole night we don't move until we fall asleep both bathing in comfort knowing that all along the feeling was mutual.

Thanks for reading bitches x

Till the next time😉

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