What the fuck?❕E.O

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My own little idea

G!P Reader

TW: Smut. Virgin. Rough smut at the end.

This might be a long one but I've been MIA for so long so y'all deserve this shit.

Y/N's POV:

"I'm here, Love <3" Message sent. I throw my phone back into the glove compartment of my car waiting for Lizzie to get in so I can take her out to dinner.

This is our fifth or sixth date and honestly it's going pretty well. Dating a celebrity could be weird. At least that's what I thought in the beginning but it's not as bad as I first thought. There's not cameras following you around 24/7 like it seems. Even though sometimes there's one fuck tart of a pap who follows you around all day instead of getting one picture and fucking off but it's nothing that I can't handle

A kiss on my cheek is what makes me realise Lizzie has entered my car. A silly smile invades my face as I take all of her in. Her blonde hair put into bouncy curls, natural makeup and a killer strapless green dress making her eyes even more beautiful.

"Hi, darling" Lizzie greets. Her smile is almost as big as mine. My smile fades away quickly, furrowing my eyebrows. "What's the matter?"

"I know you didn't just open that door by yourself" I say sternly. Lizzie's worried expression vacates her face instead she rolls her eyes, pushing my shoulder.

"It's not a big deal ya know" She shrugs.

I shake my head in disagreement. "A beautiful lady like yourself should never be made to open doors"

"Flattery gets you everywhere Y/l/n" Lizzie chuckles with a small blush creeping up her neck. "Let's get going shall we. I could eat a horse" She groans making me chuckle. With that Lizzie buckles up her seatbelt and we hit the road.


After a lovely dinner we're both stuffed. So stuffed that we had to sit in the car for 15 minutes after we left because my body wouldn't work. But eventually we got through that hard time in our lives and I drove Lizzie home.

As we pull up to her house she goes to open her own door again. The audacity of this woman. "Don't touch that handle Elizabeth" I command. Instantly she drops her hands back to her sides while sucking in a sharp breath.

Pleased with her reaction I exit the car, open the door for her and give her my hand to help her out. "Charmer" She scoffs.

"Only for you" I cringe at my own words making her laugh. Placing a swift kiss on her nose I keep our hands locked while I walk her to her door.

"Well... Goodnight" I whisper, now holding both of her hands while she faces me.

"I've had such a great time Y/n. Thank you" I grin, slowly leaning in to kiss her plump pink lips. Sure i've kissed her before but this time feels a little different but I can't quite put my finger on it. There's even more of a spark then there was before. Like 100 bolts of lightning are running through my veins.

I slowly lick her bottom lip asking for entry as I wrap my arms around her waist pulling her flush with my body. Lizzie grants my tongue entry, allowing them to dance together as one while her arms go around my neck keeping my in place. Suddenly I feel the need for air so I pull back. As I look at her Lizzie is rubbing her lips together with her eyes still closed and our bodies still so close together as if she's trying to savour the kiss.

"Would you like to come in? You could stay the night?" She asks once her eyes open, dark with desire. Lizzie creeps up on her tippy toes so that her lips are close to my ear. "With me? Naked?" The last word comes out as a whisper, her teeth lightly grazing the shell of my ear.

Elizabeth Olsen/ Wanda Maximoff.  &lt;&lt;One shots&gt;&gt;Where stories live. Discover now