Proposal E.O

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Me and Lizzie are currently in Paris. I bought her tickets for her birthday because I wanted her to have something special so I bought her here. Lizzie is in the bathroom getting ready for our first night and i'm pacing back and forth in our hotel room because i'm freaking the fuck out.

I decide to call Scarlett because she always knows what to say. She picks up after the 2nd ring and I immediately start whisper shouting into the phone.

Me: Scar! I'm freaking out!

S: Woah. Woah. Are you doing it tonight?

Me: Yes! I'm so fucking nervous.

S: Okay uh have you got it?

I feel in my pocket for the small box the ring is in just to confirm it's on me.

Me: Yes. What if she says no Scar?

S: Y/n! Don't be stupid! She's 100% going to say yes. She's head over heels in love with you!

Me: Okay. Okay. I can do this... I'm gonna do this.

S: Yes! your gonna do this! and she's going to say yes and your gonna spend the rest of your lives together because that's what you deserve! Now go calm yourself down before she comes in and notices how shifty your acting!

Me: Okay. Thank you.

S: Anytime

With that I end the phone call throw my phone onto the bed. I look into the mirror and take deep breaths to calm myself down. When I finally feel calm Lizzie comes out of the bathroom looking drop dead gorgeous. She was wearing a black dress with a slit all the way up the thigh. "You Fuck me" I manage to get out and Lizzie laughs.

She steps closer to me and unbuttons the first two buttons of my shirt before smoothing it out. She prefers it with a few buttons loose then all buttoned up. She pecks my lips and then grabs her clutch. "Later baby" She smirks. I roll my eyes and double check I have everything before we get ready to leave.

"Ready love?" Lizzie nods so we make our way to this fancy restaurant I booked for us. My plan is to take her for a nice meal, have some nice french wine then go on a walk to the Eiffel tower, which isn't that far away, then get down on one knee and pop the question.

We arrive in the restaurant and we end up having a really nice meal. We laugh and joke all the way through the meal. When dessert comes we feed each other the cake like one of those cringey couples in the films before I cover the check and lead her out of the restaurant.

"Are we going back to the hotel now baby?" She checks and I shake my head.

"I thought we could go on a walk and maybe see the the city in lights" I suggest smoothly and she claps excitedly.

"That sounds perfect! Could I maybe steal your jacket? I'm kinda cold" She asks sweetly.

"Yeah of course!" I reply. I go to slip my jacket off but quickly stop when I feel the ring. "I uh mean- No you can't have my jacket. B-because then I-I would be cold" I try to play off. Lizzie raises her eyebrows at me since I always give her my jacket but she shrugs it off.

I take her arm and link it with mine to give her some warmth even though i'm sure it's not doing much but it's better then nothing. Finally we make it to the Eiffel tower and she looks up at it in wonder. It's beautiful at night with all the lights. When Lizzie looks at it her eyes literally sparkle making me gasp at the sight.

"You look so beautiful mon amour" I whisper. She turns to look at me and grins, kissing me softly before turning her attention back to the tower. I look around the park and see the photographer that I hired standing near a bush out of sight. He gives me a thumbs up and I nod.

God this is it. I'm gonna do it. I take a deep breath, check if the box is in my pocket and when I confirm it is I begin my little speech. "Lizzie... I- I just wanted to thank you for making these past two years the best years of my life.  Before I met you I didn't think life was worth living but you pulled me out of that place and quickly showed me everything I have to live for. If you will let me I want to go to sleep with you by my side every night and I want to wake up beside your beautiful green eyes every morning. I love you with all my heart so..." I get down on one knee and pull the ring out of my pocket, opening the box and showing it to her.

Lizzie gasps and puts her hands over her mouth. Her eyes don't leave mine for a second even though streams of tears are pouring out of them. "Y/n" She whispers in a sob.

"Let me finish baby" I chuckle. I take another deep breath and get ready to speak again. "Elizabeth Chase Olsen... will you please do me the honour of being my wife and eventually the mother of my children?" I ask, my own tears now leaving my eyes.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh my god yes!" She shouts. I raise to my feet and pull her into a passionate love filled kiss. We pull apart and rest out foreheads together while I slip the ring onto her finger. "I love you so much" She whispers.

"I love you more" I whispers back.

I can't wait to marry her.

Elizabeth Olsen/ Wanda Maximoff.  <<One shots>>Where stories live. Discover now