Were going to make this happen. E.O.

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Lizzie's POV:

G!P Y/n

TW: Smut. Infertility but don't worry it's a fluffy ending I promise x


"Maybe we should stop trying Y/N" At my own words I feel my heart break a little bit more. "It's not working" I cry, rubbing my stomach lightly.

"L-Liz" Y/n stutters. Nibbling on her bottom lip she comes to kneel on the floor in front of me while i'm sitting on the couch. "I promise i'll make this happen for you, f-for us" Gently she places her hands on my cheeks wiping away tears with her thumbs. "We're going to make this happen"

Her soft hands give me a tiny bit of comfort as I lean into them. We've been trying to have a baby for a little over a year but much to our disappointment it hasn't happened for us. "But the doctor said-"

"Fuck what the doctor said. We've always been against the odds" She chuckles. I crack a small smile with a watery laugh know that's true. "A-and if in the end it still doesn't work we can look into a sperm-"

"No" Immediately I shut that idea down. "If I don't have a baby with you I don't want one with anyone" Pressing my lips against hers we allow ourselves  to be vulnerable.


"Shit Y/N!" I hiss, scratching my nails down her bare back so hard i'm sure i'm going to draw blood. "Feels so good"

Y/N keeps pounding into me at a delicious pace that has my eyes rolling back into my head. "Are you going to cum Elizabeth?" She husks, looking down on me with dark eyes.

"Yes. Yes i'm going to cum for you. Going to be your good little girl" I whine, clenching around her dick.

"Cum for me darling" On command my body spasms milking y/n of all of her hot cum. "Fuck your so amazing" Y/n pants, kissing me sweetly then putting a pillow under my hips. Something we do in hopes it will help with conceiving our first child.

While we're laying there Y/n dabs me with a cold wet towel cleaning off the sweat of the multiple orgasms she gave me tonight. "Thank you" I whisper while she wipes my neck.

"I'm just looking after you, it's my job" A couple of sweet kisses later we both fall asleep bathing in the comfort of being skin on skin.

Two Months Later

"Happy birthday my sweet angel" Y/n says handing me a present. Sitting in a fancy restaurant with the love of my life there's no better way i'd like to spend my birthday. I grin looking at the little box in my heart jumps with excitement. Carefully unwrapping the present I open the box to reveal a beautiful necklace laced with diamonds.

Letting out a small gasp I study the necklaces, tear pricking my eyes. Even after all these years she still treats me like a queen. "Darling... This must have cost you a fortune"

"Nothing is too expensive when it comes to you Elizabeth. You deserve the whole word" A tear falls from my eye which I quickly wipe away so it doesn't ruin my makeup.

"Put it on me" I request. Y/n gets up, pushes all my hair over my shoulder and carefully places the necklace around my neck.

"Beautiful. Absolutely breath taking" She whispers in my ear, pressing light kisses up the side of my neck until she fixes my hair and then sits back down.

"I actually have a surprise for you when we get home" Grinning Y/n wiggles her eyebrows suggestively making me swat her arm from over the table but she catches my hand and kisses each finger individually, taking extra time when she gets to the finger my engagement and wedding ring area "Get your mind out the gutter"

With a chuckle Y/n replies. "I can't wait for my surprise baby"

When we get home I command Y/n to sit on the bed while I run into the bathroom to fetch the rectangular box. Handing it to her with a big grin she looks at me questioningly. "You know it's your birthday right? You should be getting the gifts" She mumbles making me roll my eyes but opens it anyway.

"What is it?" I tease when suddenly she freezes after seeing the contents of the box.

"It's a pregnancy test" She states. "A positive pregnancy test- Are you? Are we? We're pregnant?" Y/n's eyes are lit up with joy a wide smile threatening to spread on her face.

"We're pregnant" I confirm. In a split second she jumps up encasing me in her arms tightly.

"Were fucking pregnant! WERE PREGNANT" She squeals. Dropping down to her knees in front of me she starts pressing lots of kisses on my stomach over my dress. "I can't wait to meet you, even though you can't hear me and your probably the size of a teeny tiny pea I love you so much little princess"

"Princess? We won't find out the sex for another couple of months" I raise my eyebrows, looking down on her.

"I can feel it okay. I can sense a little Lizzie in there" Humming I brush her hair back out of her face. Y/n looks up at me with teary eyes. "And I love you, more then i'll ever love anyone in the world. I'm so happy this happened for us" When she rises to her feet again she kisses me passionately.

That's it :)

Thanks for reading, love ya x

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