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Wanda's POV:


TW: Smut. Harassment ig.

This is the first time i've attended one of Tony Starks famous parties. I've only been here a couple of weeks because we just got back from Sokovia. I'm all alone here with Pietro being dead and all. I haven't really bonded with anyone yet. Maybe that's because I spend all my time in my room alone not wanting to socialise. But there has been one person who checks up on me everyday. A person who makes sure I eat, drink, shower and sleep. Y/N Stark. Tony's younger sister.

She's been my only comfort in this big scary place where I have no one. She is truly the light at the end of a long dark tunnel. But she's currently no where to be seen. Probably lost in the dancing bodies of all of Tony's guests. So i'm just sitting on a couch in the corner alone sipping on a mock tail listening to the beat of the music. That is until a voice pulls me out of the trance the music has me under.

"Well hello there sexy" A very drunk man says as she plonks himself down next to me, flinging his arm around my shoulders. "I'm Henry. What's your name?" He slurs in my face. His breath fucking stinks of alcohol and it almost makes me gag.

"W-Wanda" I stutter out as I try and get away from him but he grips me tighter to keep me in place.

"Your very very sexy Wanda" He whispers into my ear. I cringe and try to push him off but it doesn't work he's too strong and i'm definitely not going to use my powers in a crowded room everyone already thinks i'm a freak. He leans in closer to my face, puckering his lips. Before he can make contact with my lips a strong hand is pulling him back and dragging him across the floor.

"Take the hint when she pushes you off asshole" The familiar voice of Y/N spits and I sigh in relief. "Hey you okay?" She asks as she crouches down to my level. I nod and give her a thankful smile which she returns. A slow song starts to play and she gets up, holding her hand out to me. "Can I have this dance?" She asks sweetly.

"Of course" I tell her and grab her hand so she can pull me up. I throw my hand around her neck and play with her baby hairs while her hands rest on my hips. We both stare into each other's eyes and sway as the song continues. This is perfect. Only now do I realise how much I really like this girl. I've never thought about being with anyone but with Y/N I think about what it would be like to have a relationship with her all the time. "Thank you... for before"
I mutter and she smiles.

"I'll always protect you Wands" She tells me softly with a little smile. I return the smile and think for a minute.

"Can I do something?" I ask her and she nods. So I slowly go up on my tippy toes and place a soft kiss on her lips. I feel her lips press against mine in response and I've never felt this happy before. I slowly pull away and look at her. "Was that okay?" I whisper and she grins at me.

"That was more then okay" She tells me and I giggle and rest my head on her chest. After the song ends we dance to loads more upbeat songs and I finally feel like I can let loose here.

Y/N has been giving me little sips of her drink and I feel a little woozy off of it since i've never really drank alcohol before. Y/N notices i'm a little tipsy and takes me away from the crowd not wanting me to be overwhelmed by the amount of people. We go to her room and she hands me a bottle of water. "Drink that it'll take it away" She says sweetly and I drink all the water before throwing it in the trash.

"Thank you I feel better already" I tell her and she smiles.

"You wanna go back out there?"

"Actually can we stay here for the rest of the night. I've had enough of people for one night" I request and she smiles widely.

"Yeah of course let's get you out of that dress" She says and spins around but she stops when she realises how that must have sounded. "I meant... into comfier clothes. Sorry" She explains and I laugh at her. Suddenly i'm feeling really horny when I see how red she's getting over the thought of me taking my dress off.

"Take it off of me" I whisper and she spins back around.


"The dress. Take it off of me" I repeat while playing with my rings. Y/N walks closer to me and gently holds my hips.

"Are you sure?" She asks while slowly rubbing her thumbs into my hips making wetness pool in my panties.

"If I wasn't I wouldn't have asked" I tell her and her lips smash against mine in a hungry kiss. She lays me down on her bed and starts to kiss my neck in search for my sweet spot which she finds rather quickly and bites down on it before soothing it with her tongue. Her mouth moves along to my throat where she sucks on my voice box causing a moan to leave my mouth. My cheeks flash red at the sound i've just made and Y/N looks up.

"Don't be embarrassed. Your moans are so sexy" She whispers against my lips, pecking them a few times afterwards. I groan and flip her around so i'm on top of her, straddling her hips. I mimic her actions and bite down on her neck leaving big purple bruises along my way. Her hands find the zipper of my dress and pull it down before pushing the dress off of my shoulders making it pool around my waist.

I didn't wear a bra with this dress because your not supposed to wear one with it so my boobs were not on show to her. She sits up and takes one nipple into her mouth sucking harshly and I start to roll my hips against her. Basically riding her thigh. I could feel myself getting closer and I fucked myself on her thigh so my movements started to get sloppy. Y/N's hands rested on mg waist again to guide them in a good movement so I could reach my high. A couple of seconds later I felt myself come undone and I moaned into Y/N's ear.

"You done so well princess" She tells me and kisses me softly. Y/N flips us back over to i'm on the bottom again and takes the dress completely off of me. Leaving me in just my soaked panties. "Do you want more?" She asks sweetly and I nod.

"Please" I breath out and she moves her hand down to rip my panties off. I moan at how hot that was and Y/N starts to run her fingers through my wet folds, teasing my entrance. "Go gentle though. I've never done anything before" I tell her and she smiles.

"I'm gonna take good care of you okay" I nod at her and she slowly enters one finger into me. She goes at a steady pace to which I roll my hips along with her. Shortly after I adjust she adds a second finger stretching me out. I'm a moaning, sweaty mess beneath her.

"Faster" I moan and she complies by going a little faster, curling her fingers to brush against my g-spot every time. "I'm close" I whimper and I feel her head shift down and her tongue attack my clit. My whole body arches up into her as a guttural moan leaves my mouth. "Oh my fuck!" I cry out as her tongue works wonders on my clit.

"Come for me baby" She mumbles against me and the vibrations send me over the edge. I squirt into her mouth and she swallows it all all up before coming up to kiss me passionately. I can taste myself on my tongue and wow do I taste sweet. "You taste so good" She whispers and I giggle.

"I really do" I tease and snake my hand down into her trousers but she grabs it and stops it before I can go any further. I furrow my eyebrows at her but she kisses me softly to make it go away.

"Tonight was all about you baby" She tells me and I kiss her again.

"I think I love you" I whisper and her eyes widen. "You've been the only thing that's able to comfort me. You take care of me 24/7. Your the only person i've ever thought about being intimate with. Your my peace" I finish off and she smiles widely at me.

"I love you too. I have since I laid eyes on your emo ass in Sokovia" She teases and I slap her arm and giggle.

"You love me?" I confirm and she nods.

"I love you"

"I love you too" I grin and I nuzzle my head into her warm chest as she wraps her arms around me.

She loves me.

Elizabeth Olsen/ Wanda Maximoff.  <<One shots>>Where stories live. Discover now