Go get your girl. E.O

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Y/N's POV:

"I can't do this anymore Y/n!" Lizzie screams from across the room. My whole world stops spinning as I process her words, my heart thumping out of my chest trying to figure out if she really meant it.

"W-what?" I stutter, tears already coming down my face in small rivers.

"I- I can't." She says barley above a whisper. "I've barley seen you this past month-" I cut her off instantly.

"Lizzie baby... you don't mean that" I walk closer to her but steps back. That one hurt. "I- We- it's okay. This was just a small argument" I try to reason and she shakes her head.

"It's too hard y/n" She sobs. I put my hand over my mouth to muffle my cries as I watch her breakdown completely in front of me. "I need some time"

"S-so are we over?" I'm not even sure she made out what I said because i'm crying that hard but she replies with a nod.

"For now" Without saying another word I leave the house without looking back. The past few months have been hard on both me and Lizzie with us loosing our first baby and all it really put a strain on our relationship. I guess Lizzie just snapped but sometimes I feel like she doesn't get that I lost a child too. That i'm hurting too. I guess for now it's over.

—2 Months Later—

Lizzie's POV:

These past three months have been the worst time of my life. Not only did I loose by baby but I also lost the love of my life for being so fucking selfish and not taking her feelings into consideration and letting myself drown in mine without asking her to help because I know she gladly would have helped.

Anyway Y/n is now dating Florence. Id say it's fast but after the way I broke her i'm glad she's found comfort in someone else. Except I can't help but want her back and also wonder if she wants me back too.

Y/n's POV:

I want Lizzie back. Not just want I fucking NEED Lizzie back. To be honest Florence was just supposed to be a one night thing to try and forget about Lizzie but then she told me she had feelings and for a little while she gave me a slight amount of comfort but her nothing compared to the warmth and safety Lizzie made me feel.

I'm in work until 10 tonight but as soon as I get back i'm going to tell Florence how I really feel and then find Lizzie and also admit my feelings to her. Let's hope it all goes well.

Lizzie's POV:

I can't take this anymore. If Y/n isn't going to be happy with me then i'm going to make sure that she's definitely happy with Florence. I know Y/n works later on Friday nights so i'm going to drive to Florence's apartment now and talk to her.

Still in my leggings and a simple hoodie I run out into the pouring rain, jumping into my car and speeding to Florence's house. When I get out of the car I stand at the door in pouring rain waiting for her to answer. I've been out in the rain no less then a minute and i'm already soaked from head to toe. The weather is not great at all tonight.

Florence opens the door and takes a quick look her eyes widening at my dripping state. "Lizzie? Omg you must be freezing get in here!" She opens the door wider but I shake my head and wrap my arms around myself to make myself feel a bit warmer.

"I'm only here for a quick talk. About Y/n... I want to talk to you about Y/n" I say and looks at me and waits for me to continue. I take a deep breath before I begin. "I- I want you to promise me that if she gives you her heart that you won't break it. I want you to promise that your arms will be a place she feels safe in because she's the best thing that you'll ever have" Tears are already falling from my eyes and I've barley said anything I want to say yet.

Elizabeth Olsen/ Wanda Maximoff.  <<One shots>>Where stories live. Discover now