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Y/N's POV:


G!P Reader

TW: Rough smut.

"Y/n baby can you come in here for a second?" Lizzie shouts from the shower. I instantly put my book down, making sure to mark my page and rush into the bathroom to see if she's okay.

I peak my head around the door only to be hit in the face with the steam off her shower. This woman has her showers like lava what is wrong with her. "Everything okay love?" The glass door of the shower slides open and Lizzie's head pops out mirroring the position i'm in. We both share a sweet smile before she motions with her finger for me to come in.

"Everything is cool but I have a problem" She laughs, showing me that red carpet smile. I walk further into the room shutting the door behind me.

"Is the water going hot then cold again? Because I swear I fixed it last-"

"No. Y/n come here" Lizzie giggles but i'm confused what else could she possibly need my help with. I follow her request and step in front of the shower door. Lizzie slides it all the way open and moves so I can see her whole naked form. Small water droplets are running all over her body making me nearly drool. I take in a shaky breath and allow my eyes to meet hers again. "Let me show you the problem" She whispers, grabbing my hand and swiping my fingers through her intimacy. Damn she's wet. Like wet wet.

"Oh? Oh!" Finally I click on and Lizzie nods, the same smile on her face as before. She lets go of my hand so I can undress which I do in a record breaking time. My clothes literally go flying in every direction until i'm butt naked. As soon as I slip into the shower and close the door behind me Lizzie's lips are on mine.

I sigh into the kiss and move my hands to her lower back, rubbing my thumbs in circles on her sides. My tongue darts into Lizzie's mouth kissing her slowly but sensually, letting the kiss get gradually hotter. Lizzie's hand moves to my shaft, slowly rubbing up and down making me hard as a fucking brick. A moan slips out of my mouth effectively breaking the kiss. Lizzie smiles against my lips and pulls me under the stream of water.

I hiss at the temperature but quickly forget when her lips attach to mine again. My hands slip down to her ass, giving her right cheek a harsh slap and then rubbing it to sooth the ache. I know that one hurt like a bitch because her ass is wet. Lizzie squeaks but then it turns into a moan as I continue to rub it. My fingers naturally find her wet folds again and for a couple of seconds I slide my fingers up and down it, making sure to tease her clit by pushing it around a little.

"Tell me baby. What were you thinking of to get this wet?" I whisper into her ear, biting the outside.

"Oh shit. I was thinking of you. I always think of you" She moans as my fingers start to rub her slowly. "I need more. Please can I have more?" She asks. Lizzie gives me those eyes that I can't say no to no matter how hard I try.

"Hmmm since you asked so nicely I think you can have a little more" My fingers plunge into her, making the sexiest sludgy sounds I have ever heard. My dick twitches at the sounds and moans leave my mouth freely. To cover them up I attach my mouth to her neck, biting, sucking and licking so that everyone knows that she belongs to me. "Do you want it rough or soft today?"

"Rough! Please don't hold back on me" She moans, dropping her head forward onto my shoulder. I smirk and quickly turn her around so I can press her up onto the wall.

"Your gonna take whatever I give you without any complaints right?" Lizzie doesn't answer instead she moans but I don't accept that. My hand raises and swiftly comes back down onto her ass.

"FUCK! YES" She screams.

"Mhm there's my little whore" I dig my fingers back into her dripping core, going as fast as I can until I feel her juices coat my entire hand. "That's one" I whisper kissing her cheek.

"So good" She moans, her face still pressed up against the cold tile. My dick is fucking aching at this point so I grab it and line it up with her entrance.

"This is still okay right?" I ask and she nods.

"Yes babe it's okay" I kiss her and at the same time slide into her. Lizzie's lips become out of use as I start to gradually pick up my pace. Slamming into her like it's the last time i'm ever going to get to do this. The way her walls are clenching around me feels so fucking good. This is literal heaven to me. My favourite place in the entire world. "AH! AH! Gonna- please! SHIT! IM- AHH" She screams as my hand comes down on her ass multiple times.




I feel her release around me but I don't let up, still keeping up my pace so I can reach my own high. "That's two. Such a good little slut for me baby girl"

"FUCK! IM CUMMING AGAIN!" She screams. "THATS THREE" Her voice is going to be fucked after this.

"Counting for me now. I love it"

"I love you" She moans and I grin, kissing her hard. biting down on her lip as I feel my orgasm approaching quickly.

"I love you. Is it okay if I come inside?" I check , immediately kissing her after i've finished talking.

"Mhmmm" She hums into the kiss and with one final thrust we both spasm. I hold Lizzie up knowing her legs must be like jelly by now. "F-four" She mumbles and I laugh nodding. We're not done yet though.

I grab the shower from the little holder and lower the heat down because it might be a little too hot for this sensitive skin. I also switch it up to the highest intensity where the water shoots out really fucking fast. Lizzie opens her eyes , regaining some of her strength, looks at the shower head and let's our a whimper.

"One more princess. The big number 5" I whisper and she nods. I bring the shower head down between her legs, her whole body jumps in surprise as she lets out a noise that didn't sound much like pleasure so I lower the setting down a little and surely enough her screams become pleasurable one's.

"You make me f-feel so good baby!" Lizzie's mouth attaches to my neck, leaving her own marks on me for other people to see. I grip Lizzie's hip tightly with my free hand, not enough to leave a bruise but enough to hold her still so she can't squirm away from the water stream. "Gonna cum!" She shouts. I dip down and attach my mouth to her nipple to give her that final push over the edge. A steady stream erupts out of Lizzie as she nearly falls to the ground but i'm quick to catch her and hold her steady.

"You okay baby?" I check, peppering kisses all over her face, neck and chest. For a couple of minutes she doesn't say anything. She just leans her head against me as I hold her up and stroke her hair.

"I'm fine. I'm amazing. Your amazing" She finally speaks, kissing my lips. "I love you so much"

"I love you too goddess. Now let's get out because your fingers are all wrinkly"

A/N- So I have this thing where I just forget to publish chapters that's why you haven't gotten an update in a while. I don't it with my acc story too but I didn't like the chap anyway so i'm gonna rewrite it. Sorry for not giving you a chap on that for so long but here is this one :)

Hope you horny fuckers are happy with this one.

AND ALSO 8K READS! Damn thank you all🥹

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