Just a teaser❕E.O

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Y/N's POV:

G!P reader

TW: Smut

requested by anonymous.

"Lizzie baby come here" I shout down the hall. You see i'm having trouble with changing our little baby's nappy. James is only a month old so i'm still grasping the parenting life. Lizzie comes into the room with wet hair from her shower and looks at me with a soft smile.

"What's wrong my love?" She asks, throwing her hair up into a messy bun.

"This nappy. I- I can't close it. It's got no seal things" I complain. Lizzie comes over to see what I mean and hums. Her hands go to my shoulders and she rests her chin on my shoulder.

"Maybe it would help if the diaper was the right way around" She points out and I sigh. I turn the nappy around and seal it all up and make sure the little guy is nicely tucked in so he doesn't pee all over himself and then get him back in his baby grow.

"There ya go buddy" I coo. I give him a kiss on the cheek and then turn to Lizzie who's chin is still resting on my shoulder. "What would I do without your sexy ass" I whisper, she shrugs and gives me a soft kiss on the lips.

"Probably be dead" She jokes causing me to laugh.

"Probably" I agree. After giving James some attention we put him to bed in his nursery. He gets kisses on his head from me and Lizzie before we turn on his baby monitor and turn off the lights. We go back into our room and then get comfy under the covers. Lizzie immediately snuggles into my side, her face smushed into my neck. "I feel like I haven't payed enough attention to you today" I share with a sigh and Lizzie kisses my neck.

"We haven't really had a moment to pay attention to each other with all of James's adorable screaming" I hum in agreement and turn to face her, still holding her close to me.

"You think Auntie MK and Ash will be up for minding the little guy for a night so I can take my amazing wife on a date and give her all the attention in the world?" I suggest and Lizzie laughs.

"I have a feeling they'd say yes. I'll call tomorrow and ask because i'm in desperate need of some Y/n love" She whispers. I smile at her and then kiss her softly.

"I can give you a teaser of the Y/n love you will receive right now but you'd have to be very very quiet" I raise my brow while I continue to peck her lips.

"Yes please" She breathes out. With that I move on top of her and start kissing her passionately. Luckily we sleep in our underwear so I don't need to discard any extra clothes just the bra and panties. I kiss down her neck and chest until I reach her bra where I unclip it and throw it across the room.

My mouth attaches to one nipple while my finger tweaks the other. Quiet low moans leave Lizzie's mouth as I continue to work but as I bite down on the bud she screams out so I detach my mouth and look up at her. "We have to be quiet love. We don't want to wake him up" I whisper and she nods.

"I know i'm sorry. I just wasn't expecting it" She laughs.

"Remember just breathe through it baby" She nods and pushes my head back down towards her other breast. I give it the same amount of attention and then continue my kisses south. I leave a big purple mark just under her belly button for a reminder of tonight and once i'm please with it I kiss down to the waistband of her panties. "Can I take these off?"

"You don't have to ask" She replies, lifting her hips so I can take them off easily. I hook my fingers into the material and pull them all the way down her legs before attaching my lips around her clit, sucking like there's no tomorrow.

"Oh my god baby" She whispers. Eventually she has to put her hand over her mouth to muffle her moans. I continue my assault on her clit while also adding two fingers, once I curl them her whole body tenses and she releases her juices into my mouth and onto my fingers. "I'll never get over your magical tongue" I smile and rise back up to kiss her lips.

I quickly slip my boxers off and rub my tip up and down her slit. We both moan at the sensation and then I thrust into her. Immediately picking up the pace and making her putty in my hands. I suck all over her neck and she comes undone once. Then again and again until tears prick her eyes. "Your doing so well for me baby. You feel so fucking good" I praise and she moans into her hand in thanks.

Gently I wipe away her tears and remove her hand from her mouth so she can tell me if she's had enough. "I- Just one more" She tells me and I nod. I notice the blood coming from her hand where she's been biting down on it to suppress her moans so I bring it to my mouth and kiss it. I put one hand over her mouth and apply a little bit of pressure while I put my other hand at the bottom of her stomach and press down.

Lizzie screams into my hand at the new feeling and I feel her clench around me. That drives me fucking wild. "It's okay baby. Let go" Lizzie comes one last time with a muffled scream and I also let go inside of her. I slowly pull out and run into our bathroom to get a warm cloth and the first aid kit. I sit back down on the bed and clean her sensitive area up and then wipe her chest, neck and forehead of the sweat and my saliva.

"We haven't done that in so long" She giggles. "I feel like I haven't got any legs" I laugh with her. "If that's just a teaser I fear the real thing"

"It's been what? 2 months? I've missed that feeling so much" I admit and she agrees. I toss the cloth into our laundry basket along with our old underwear. I get Lizzie a pair of panties and one of my oversized t-shirts while I get a new pair of my blue calvin's and slip them on. I get Lizzie dressed and then grab her hand and the first aid kit and clean up the bite mark.

"You take such good care of me" She says and I nod. "Even after all these years you still treat me like i'm the only girl in the world" A stray tear falls out of her eye and I am quick to wipe it away.

"I'll always take care of you" I kiss both cheeks, then her eyes and then her lips. "And your the only girl in my world" I wink. I'm a sap and she loves it. I kiss the bite mark after it's all clean and climb in next to her again.

"Goodnight I love you" She whispers after cuddling into me and I kiss her head.

"I love you more" We close our eyes and instantly fall asleep.
Hey:) I'll be doing a few more requests and then i'll write another chapter for my main book. Hope y'all enjoy this one🤪

Nicole x

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