Your in love with her E.O

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Y/n's POV:


G!P reader

TW: Panic attack

"SCARLETT I NEED SHOES!!" Lizzie shouts from Scars bedroom. I'm sitting on the couch reading a comic book while the two girls run around getting Lizzie ready for a date with some stupid guy she met at college. And before you ask. Yes I am jealous. Extremely fucking jealous.

I've loved Lizzie since I can remember her and Scar have been friends since preschool and me being Scarlett's younger sister I got to watch Lizzie grow into the amazing woman she is now. I'm only one year younger then them and I think that's great because that means there's a chance we could actually be together one day. At least I hope so anyways.

I remember when we were growing up me and Lizzie would always say we were married and hold hands everywhere we went. Unfortunately we've grew out of that phase but I hope one day we will be married for real. She also calls me 'Y/N/N' and I love it. She's the only one that calls me it and I get weird when anyone else calls me that. I'm took out of my thoughts when Scar and Lizzie came down the stairs.

Lizzie was wearing a black off the shoulder drawstring dress that stopped mid thigh. The dress hugged her figure perfectly, showing the perfect amount of cleavage. I felt my dick growing hard in my boxers as I looked over at her from the couch. Both girls start to walk into the living room so I lie down and pull a blanket over me and position myself so you can't tell that I have a hard on.

"Hey Y/N/N!" Lizzie chirps and I smile widely at her. "When'd you get hot?" She asks while admiring me. We hadn't seen each other in a couple of months because the girls had gone off to college and they were back for the holidays since then i've been working out and taking more care of myself so I will admit i've had a little glow up. But Lizzie fucking Olsen just called me hot.

"Hey Liz" I greet back "And while you were gone I guess" I wink at her and we both hold a couple of seconds of eye contact before Scarlett speaks up.

"Your still a little worm to me" She teases and I flip her off. "Why have you got a blanket over you? It's boiling in here" She points out and I raise an eyebrow. She's right it is hot in our house and even hotter under this blanket but I couldn't pull it off.

"Uh. I'm really cold actually" I tell her and Lizzie quirks an eyebrow.

"Are you sick?" Lizzie asks and walks towards me. Before I can say anything she places her hand on my head to check my temperature. She is definitely not helping my hard on right now. I instantly melt into her touch and she seems to notice because she tries to hide her little smirk. "Your quite hot Y/N/N. Do you feel okay?"

"Y-yeah. I feel fine Liz thank you" I give her a little smile and we all sit about waiting for Lizzie's date to come. My not so little friend has gone down while we've been waiting so I decide to spark up a conversation because the silence is killing me. "Soooo what's his name?"

"Brent" She answers and I decide to wind her up a little.




"No. Brent"

"Ohhhh. Trent"

"BRENT" She screams and I burst out into laughter. "Are you deaf?" She huffs and I giggle.

"What?" I tease further and both girls roll their eyes at me. Scar gets up and smacks the back of my head as she walks into the kitchen for a snack and Lizzie looks at her phone. Her expression changes from happy to worry in the matter of seconds. "Hey Liz? Whats wrong?" I ask and her breathing starts to get heavy.

Elizabeth Olsen/ Wanda Maximoff.  <<One shots>>Where stories live. Discover now