Sugar, Spice, I Never Said I was Nice.

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"Why am I here? I'm useless to you. I don't have what you need." I defended myself.

"Well Ms. Swan, we know that you've been associated with Mr. Collins." the interrogator replied. "Yeah, until he left me in Italy." I spat.

Okay, you're most likely wondering what's going on. I think it'd be best if I began from where it all began. The very beginning, of my new and dangerous life.

It all started two months ago, I was just a normal 16 year old girl, who was on Spring Break. I was walking home from the bus stop. I didn't want to get a license, since I would most likely burn down and crash my car as soon as I touched it.

Me and my parent's lived in a condo, near downtown, so I wasn't that far from home. But I knew I was screwed when I heard a gunshot. Now, I was in downtown, and in downtown, there are some pretty dangerous people. But gunshots? Really? This was new.

I turned around, to see a man, behind a car, shooting at something in the sidewalk across him. I looked around for some help, but the whole street was deserted. It was only me, a guy with a gun, and the thing he was shooting.

I searched for my phone, but I realized that it was dead battery. I heard more shooting, and I let out a yelp, and ducked to the ground. The man with the gun saw me, and yanked me over to him behind the car.

"Look kid, you shouldn't be here. It's dangerous for a pretty girl like you." he said, leaning against the car. "So says the guy who's shooting someone in a public area." I retorted.

"Technically, we aren't in public since no one is really here. Well, except you." he said, and peeked over the hood of the car, and ducked back down. "So I'm no one?" I asked. "Girly, just get out of here, if you know what's good for you." he warned, and raised his head up again.

I heard the sound of a bullet being shot into the car. I'd played enough of Call Of Duty to know what happens when you shoot a car's engine. I pushed the guy away from the car, and we rolled to the side, and I banged into a brick building.

The guy got up, and raised an eyebrow. "How'd you know that was gonna happen?" he asked. "Video game." I replied. "You know how to shoot, kid?" he asked. "My dad took me to a shooting range once." I shrugged. He picked out a Berreta 92 (in other words, a gun) from his jeans and tossed it to me.

"There's a blonde woman on the other side, trying to kill me. Can ya help a guy out?" he asked. A normal person would've tossed the gun at his head, and start running, screaming. But did I ever say I was normal? I actually thought the idea of helping a guy out, with a gun was cool!

Killing someone, well that was a different story. I quickly ran to the next car, and hid. I took a breath, and got a sight at the target. I switched off the safety, and aimed her for her leg. I kept on walking, in a crouch position, until I was close enough. It was funny, how the woman couldn't see me, even when I'm so close to her.

She was pretty, now I'm no homo, and I've got nothing against them, but she was really pretty. She had her blonde hair up into a ponytail, her eyes were cover with black sunglasses, and had high cheekbones.

I accidentally fired, but missed her leg. She turned towards me, and raised a perfect eyebrow "Jonathan, I didn't know that you were babysitting." she called out to him. I just heard him snort loudly.

She lowered her gun down at me. "Look kid, drop the gun, and walk away." she glared. I knew helping this 'Jonathan' was a bad idea. I guess I'm kinda stupid, for actually trying to help him.

She loaded her gun, and cocked her head to the side. "I'm giving you five seconds to leave." she said. "One." I slowly got up. "Two." I tossed the gun aside. "Three." I started walking. "Four." I tripped on a rock. "Five." I stayed there still, until Blondie looked in my direction.

I heard a gunshot, and cry of pain. I got up, and saw her on the ground, with the so called 'Jonathan' standing above her. "Thanks kid." he said, and I nodded, walking away.


When I got home, I was tired and wet. Not because of the whole psychiotic Blondie and Jonathan, but because it was raining like hell. So I ran home, and accidentally tripped in a puddle. I've got the best luck on Earth, don't I?

I unlocked the door, and trudged inside. "Carter! What in the world happend to you?" Mom screeched. "It's raining Mom." I motioned to the windows that were being drenched with rain.

"I know, but what happend to your clothes?" she asked.

"I fell in a puddle..."I muttered.

"Only you Carter, only you..." she chuckled and went to the kitchen.

Bi-polar much?

After taking a hot shower, I changed into a loose t-shirt, and some boy shorts, and plopped myself on the couch, and watched Spongebob.

I dozed off into a dreamless slumber, and dreamt about marshmallow's being shove into my face. I really liked this dream. I felt a marshmallow being slapped at me in the face. I woke up, and screamed, "MARSHMALLOW!!" I started gasping, from laughter.

I looked at the culprit, who slapped me with a masrhmallow, and saw Jeremy, my awesome best friend. "Jerry boy, whatcha doing in here?" I asked.

"Well, my parent's don't want me home right now. They're celebrating their anniversary tonight." he scrunched up his nose. "TOO MUCH INFORMATION!!!" I cried.

"Why are you watching Dora?" he asked. "Huh? Oh, I guess I fell asleep." I mumbled, and laid my head down on his lap, as he sat down.


Jeremy slept on the couch, and I slept in my room that night. I dreamt about a monkey whose great aunt Gertrude turned out to be a man. Mom woke me up, at 8 that morning, because apparently there was someone here to see me.

I got out of bed, groggily, and trudged to the door.

"Hello Carter. It's nice to see you again."


You know my other story, The Loser vs. The Player? I didn't know what that story was about, so I deleted that, and started writing this, action/humour/romance. I don't know if this story is good enough, so feedback would be nice from you guys.

If you think that the story is going just a bit too fast, its because the story is supposed to be like that.

You're only going to be meeting most of the main characters in the third or fourth chapters.





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