The More We Get Together, The Happier We'll Be.

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"Jon isn't here, so I don't have to go anywhere with you." I said, folding my arms across my chest.

"He made me come and get you." He countered.

"Well I'm done my training for today, so run along now." I said, closing my door on him. But before I could close it and lock it, he wedged his foot in the way.

"I don't think you heard me clearly. I said Jon wanted me to bring you to the shooting range. Now, if you please, come with me." He sneered.

"You're not my boss, okay? Jon is. Not you. If he wanted me to go to the shooting range, he'd come and get me himself." I said, still making an effort to get him out of my doorway. He sighed and pushed his way into my room, grabbing me by the waist and flipping me over so that I'm being carried by the shoulder.

Is it just me, or I just got to see one of the most sexiest butts in the universe?

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." He said, with a hint of arrogance in his tone.

Oops. I guess I said it aloud.

"Yeah, you did say that out loud. Artie's wrong. Your butt isn't even cute." He said.

"Stop looking!!" I shouted, while he chuckled.

"You suck." I frowned.

"Actually cupcake, I believe that's your job, unless you play for a-" I slapped his butt hard, because he was pushing.

"Don't call me that!"

"What? Cupcake?" He asked.

"Stop it!!" I whined, he kept on bursting of laughter, which pissed me off real badly.


When he put me down, which seemed like forever with his pervy comments, we arrived at the shooting range. Jon was there, waiting for us, with a gun in his hand. He kept on twirling it around, which made me want to grab it and shoot the apple on the arms table.

"What took you two so long? Took longer than last time." Jon said, raising an eyebrow.

I jabbed my thumb in Cody's direction. "His fault." While Cody did the same, but pointing it towards me. "No it wasn't!!" We yelled at the same time.

"Yes it was!!"

"Stop copying me!"

"No you stop copying me!!"

I took a step towards him, and we were so close I could hear his breath, and we started arguing like two-year olds.

"Tell him that I'm right!!" I said, looking at Jon now while Cody frowned exclaiming the same as I.

"Cut it out!!" We snapped at eachother. Right before we lunge at eachothers heads, Jon places himself in between so nothing would occur. "You two are acting like children and need to get along. I was going to teach you the basics of a gun and the different types, but since you guys have communication problems," He started lecturing.

"Oh no..." Me and Cody in unision.

"Oh yes. Cody here, will teach you all you need to know here." Jon said, grinning like the Cheshire cat.

Before any of us could protest, Jon stuck his fingers in his ears like a five year old saying "Lalalalala." over and over until he left the room. I am seriously going to kill him for leaving me with Jerkface over there, who was trying to glare holes into my brain.

"No matter how hard you try, you're never going to burn a hole into me. Ever." I said, with a dash of sass.

"Damn." He muttered. "Let's get this over with."

"Yeah, better get this out of the way. I have better things to do." I said, walking over to him, where he was holding a shotgun.


By the time he was done teaching me every single basic, and how to reload a gun, he tossed me one and I caught it.

"Now, let's see what you can do." He said.

I went over to one of the ranges, put on the earmuffs and goggles, and looked at the target. It was a silhouette of a man. I unlocked the gun, and put my finger on the trigger. Once I shot, I heard Cody making tutting noises. I looked over at the target, and I got his leg. Did I close my eyes or something? I thought I was aiming for his head.

"You got it wrong. It's the way you're positioned. Here, let me help you." He said, coming over ot me.

I felt two arms wrap around my arms, and his chest firmly pressed against my back. I could feel his body heat radiating into me, and his cool breath on my neck. His head was on the left of mine, and his hands hovered over mine.

"Okay, so you have to have your arms up like this," He guided my arms up, so it was perfectly straight and aiming at the man's heart.

"Pull the trigger." He whispered, which sent shivers down my spine and startled me, making me miss the target completely.

"Oops. My bad." I squeaked. What the hell? I, Carter Swan, never squeaks.

He sighed heavily, which was a total sign of irritation, something that I do sometimes as well. I looked back at him, and he was looking just a little bit irritated. But when he saw the sad expression on my face, he softened and sighed again, but more calm.

"It's alright. You made a mistake, try again." He said.

When I tried again, I got it right. This kept on for a couple more hours, and by the time we were finished, it was 11. Did we really take that long? I was about to walk back to my room, when said goodnight quietly. Well this was new.

"Um, goodnight." I mumbled back awkwardly.

"Uh, I guess I might see you tomorrow for training." He said.

"Oh okay." And that was the last thing I said to him that night.

I was walking through the dark hallways, on my way to my room, when I bumped into something.

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