She's Adorable As Hell

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I giggled as I took out my phone quietly, and snapped a picture of the sight in front of me. I felt someone breathe on my neck, and I whipped my head around to see Artie smirking at me. "You are so bad...Put it as your wallpaper!" 

I nodded, "I will never let him live this down." 

"You shouldn't." he agreed.

We both left the room in silence, and jumped on the couch. Artie sat down, and I sat next to him, with my legs propped on his lap. Yeah, you can say I was taking most of the space on the couch, but he didn't seem to mind.

"Cody! You're taking forever! Now can you please hurry up?! I'm impatient and hungry!" I called out.

I heard a deep loud growl come from the room he was in, and then footsteps. I was trying to contain the laughter, because what was coming next was gonna be highlight of my day. I mean, next to my aunt coming out of nowhere, and then suddenly leaving again.

Cody entered in his...outfit, and me and Artie couldn't take it anymore. We both exploded of laughter, and Cody was still frowning. 

"I'm glad to know that my embarassment amuses you both." He crossed his arms over her chest. 

I got up, and walked around him in a circle. When I was behind him, I noticed that the back of the outfit was untied, and loose. I took the strings and tied it up nice and tight. After that, I put my hands on his shoulders, and went on my tippy toes just to say something in his ear. 

"You forgot to tie up the back, so I did it for you. I hope you don't mind." I said, and then skipping next to Artie. 

He was still frowning, but he looked too funny in his costume. 

"Come on maid! Massage my toes!" I ordered, kicking my shoes and socks off and wiggling my toes at him. 

The skirt of his black and white dress swished around him as he walked over to the couch and sat next to me, taking my feet on his lap.

I saw everyone else coming from behind Cody, so he wouldn't know that they were all silently laughing at him.

Nancy piped up suddenly. "I never thought I'd see the day where Cody Collins got whipped for a girl. Especially one like her.

Everyone else laughed at her comment, and Cody's head whipped around to see everyone who was brought along for the mission laughing at him. He glared at Artie, was looking completely innocent, and looked back at me.

"I thought you guys said that everyone was busy for the day planning on our next move cause Jon is passed out in his bed!" He accused me and Artie.

My geeky friend held his hands up in surrender. "I told you what I knew. Not once have I spoke to them." 

I was met with angry dark brown eyes that were piercing into my soul. I sent him a cheeky grin, and shrugged. "Me too?"

His face did the impossible, and made his frown deeper than I thought it would. "That's it! I'm taking this damn dress off!" He hissed, standing up after shoving my feet off of him. 

"And you have really nasty feet, just letting you know." 

And then he stormed off to his room.

*Cody POV*

If it were any other girl who won the bet and made me wear a French Maid costume, I would've laughed in her face and refuse to put it on. But I guess things were different with Carter because one- she's not 'any other girl'. She's that one girl who makes me feel all weird and tingly whenever she has one of those breathtaking smiles on her face. 

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