Bad Kids

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This is why I missed my best friend on Earth. He knows how to make my problems disappear. How I know? Because as soon as we hung up, I remembered why I was A-class pissed. Yes ladies and germs, it was because of stupid Cody Collins with the beautiful angelic carcase and a first class heartless jerk on the inside.

He was just like Kyle from Beastly. Beautiful on the out, but horrible on the in. The only difference: Kyle gets better in the end.

I got out of bed, and changed into my usual attire: jeans, tank top and sneakers, I went over to Jon's office.

"Morning Jon." I grumbled, and sat down on the couch. I started to play around with the plush basketball on his desk.

"Good-morning Carter. So I heard there was drama between you and Cody again last night...." He said, eyeing me as if I was ready to crack.

"Yeah, but then I got to call Jeremy, and I'm fine now. From now on, I hold no relationship with that demon trapped inside of an angel's body. I just so happen to be in the same place as him." I said.

Jonathan sighed,  and pinched the bridge of his nose, something him and Mom both do whenever I'm being annoying. "Carter, he's only like that-"

"Because of his past. I know Jon. But it's the past. I did nothing to him, to make him hate me, and yet he thinks I only talk to him for your sake." I spat.

"Carter, trust me. He's a good kid. He's probably just not used to having someone else near his age other than Artie..." He said.

"Whatever. Can we just not talk about him right now? Or ever? I joined this place, and now I want to get on with it." I said, going back to playing with the basketball.

"Fine. Here's the file for Dominic Martinez. He's on our Ten Most Wanted list. He's wanted for many crimes. Especially when it comes to drugs. But his biggest project, is by far one of the most dangerous missions since...that day." His face turned into pure horror.

"What happened that day?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Nothing. Just nothing. I'll give you a while to examine the file. Come back soon though, because we have to react soon or else." He said, putting a hand on his butt as if remembering a bad memory.

"Okay, then. I'll be...somewhere else.." I said, getting up and leaving his office as fast as I could. I really did not want to know what happened to his rear-end.


"Artie? Are you decent or something?" I asked, after knocking on his door.

"Why would I not be decent?" He replied.

"Because you're a teenage boy. I know you boys like to walk around in your boxers..." I teased.

"I'm decent now, you can come in." He said. 

I opened the door, and there he was in his boxers and a t-shirt with a pizza stain on it. I so knew he was only wearing his boxers before.

"So why did you decide to visit me this early in the morning?" He asked, taking a glance at the clock which read 8:30.

I waved the file in the air. "Because I went to Jon's office and got this.." 

His eyes got big, and took a seat in his super nerdy chair (it had the Flash symbol on it, thats' how I know) "How did you get that file?" He asked incredulously.

I smirked at his response. "Jon gave it to me when I visited him this morning." 

"But he didn't give that to anyone. Apparently not until now...No one was allowed to know what was in that folder. All we know is that it's about one  of our Ten Most Wanted..."

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