Auntie Dearest

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The next day, Jon called us all for a meeting, and discuss our next move. 

"First and foremost, I want to give a props to Ms. Swan over here for getting us a one-way ticket into the headquarters," He said, giving me a warm fatherly smile while everyone applauded me. I kept the blush down, but I could feel the attention burning me.

"Shut up now guys. So back to what I was saying, in a few days-" He was cut off by a familiar woman who stood in the doorway. 

"You will all regroup in Rio, am I right? And then you will send Ms. Swan with Mr. Collins who will pose as her brother. Then you are going to have your team surround the perimeters of the building. And this fine young man, Mr. McTavish will be your eyes and ears, as he directs Ms. Swan and Mr. Collins, right Jonathan?" She said.

I looked at Jon, who was gaping at her like a fish.

*Jonathan POV (yayy)*

I couldn't believe my eyes. There she was, standing in all of her glory, wearing but a pair of light jeans, and a black v-neck with a white leather jacket. She still had her beauty, and that perfect smirk that played on her lips. 

"What are you doing here, Chloe?" I asked, after I told everyone that the meeting will be later on. Right after I deal with her. 

"Ouch. No hello, or how ya doing?" She feigned hurt.

It's still shocking how much she and Carter are alike, with their sass, sarcasm, and fierceness burning deep inside of the two.

"After what you did? No." I shook my head.

"Look, I came here to ammend the broken bonds that I've left behind. You don't understand why I had to pull such a stunt like that. If I didn't, Marcus would've killed you, and I couldn't let that happen. Not with Cody, who has already lost so much. I couldn't let him lose another figure that he looks up to." She said, looking honest. But I could see through her lies even though she was a pro at it. 

"But do you understand what your little move did to me, and Cody? He thought that you were really gone... He pushed himself away from people when that happend. He wouldn't talk unless spoken to, and if he did, it would be a short reply. It took me a while to get him back up on his feet." I accused.

"It was better that it was me who left instead of you. If you left him, he wouldn't be the same, Jonathan!" She said with force. 

"How did you even find us?" I asked quietly.

"Is that all you can say? You haven't changed a bit, but if you do want to know, I've been keeping a good eye on Cody and Carter." 

"Then I'm sure that you know how well he's been doing without you. Now if you excuse me, I have to go see if Cody and Carter are holding up after seeing your face here. I'm sure you can find your way out." I said, walking out of the room.

But I froze when I heard her call after me, "I bet you're not aware that Dominic's HQ isn't even in Rio, and that it's in his hometown." 

*Carter POV*

I sat in the weapon's room, with my legs crossed, and decided it was a good place to think. I looked over at the knives, and only one of them caught my eye. It was as long as a pocket knife, but had two handles. I could only recognize it as a butterfly knife. 

I remembered the knife that my Aunt (not the psycho bee-yotch's mom) gave me for my tenth birthday. It was something that I've always wanted back then, so she gave me one secretly, because she knew that my mom would kill her if she gave it to me in front of her.

Ever since that day, I treasured the beautiful but dangerous knife with my all. I even remember what my Aunt had told me when she gave it to me. 

"Carter, when I was your age I was just like you. Hell, I still act like that. I was different from the others, but did I care? No. When I was just a little bit older than you are, your grandfather gave me this right before he died, because he believed that it was better in my hands than your mother's because she usually had a stick up her ass. And now, I want you to have it, because I still think that it's better in your hands than your any of your other stick-up-the-ass cousins." She said seriously with some amusement in her eyes, as she gave me a small rectangular box. 

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