Half Alive

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All I could see is white. Is this what Heaven looks like? All white? But you and I both know that I'm not exactly Heaven material. I think I'd be banished down there instead. But something in the back of my mind was telling me that something is off here. This couldn't be Heaven. There were no stereotypical pearly gates, or singing cherubs with tiny harps in their hands. Or is the Big Man Upstairs thinking about where to put me? Because I'm not all bad, but I'm not all good. Everything randomly rushed back into me.


The needle.

Me, passing out in his arms.

I swear to Jon's sad obsession with Angry Birds, that I will freaking haunt him as soon as I get out of here.

Did Cody kill me when he plunged that needle into my neck? Why would he do that, if he was acting so nice to me before? That's when I realized it. He was faking it all. All those times that we both comforted each other. But when he seemed so emotional and vulnerable...it felt real. Although I guess that's the point of acting and lying. It's meant to seem real. Like the way his sad brown eyes looked after my aunt's sudden appearance.

I suddenly wanted to cry. Mom, Dad, Jeremy...Jeremy. My best friend will never know what really happened to me. He'll probably think I've found someone better until the day he dies. I felt a big fat tear tumble across my cheek. It was rare when I cried. Even when I was injured, or something emotional. But now, it wasn't like anyone was going to see me and say, "Look! It's Carter Swan, and she's crying!" Because to everyone, Carter Swan never cries.

Does Jon know what happened to me? Oh God. Jon and Artie. They don't know what happened to me! No, I can't have my soul wander around in this empty white, knowing that the people I care about are clueless on to where I truly am.

I lifted my hand to wipe the stupid tears away, but I was shocked to see that it was hooked to and IV. I guess that means death is ruled out. I tore the IV out of my arm, and sat up. This didn't seem like a hospital, but I was somewhere with an infirmary.

I got off the bed, and I noticed that I wasn't wearing my clothes from earlier, but a hospital gown. My shoes were gone, but thankfully my feet are really rough from running away from the cops. A large rectangular mirror hung on the wall across me, and all I could see was a girl with dead looking hair, hollow cheeks, and rings underneath her eyes.

I couldn't believe that girl was me. Everything else in the room was pretty much empty except for the mirror, bed and IV stand. I found a door, but it was a code protected one, so I crossed going out from there off. I eyed the IV stand, and the mirror.

Of course, I thought, it was one of those mirrors that you couldn't see through, but the others could from the other side. I looked around the ceiling, and saw a security camera. So even if I broke that camera, I might have eyes on me from the mirror.

Since a rampage would mostly likely not work, I had to improvise, because they were still watching every move of mine. I walked back to the bed calmly, but then collapsed before I could get to it. I heard the door slide open, and two sets of feet ran over to me.

"What the hell just happened to her, Dan?" One guy with a gruff voice asked the other.

Dan, I presume, answered. "What do I look like to you, a freaking doctor? Let's just get her back on the bed, and we'll call in Dr. Marshall to check up on her."

My fingers were close to the IV stand, just enough so I could wrap my fingers around it. I then jumped up and swung it at them, making them fall. The taller one out of the two got up, but I swung the metal pole at his head and he dropped to the ground like a rag doll.

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