The Idiots and The N00bs

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It is now 1 in the morning, and I am super freaking tired. I tried drinking coffee, but that won't even work one bit. I'm currently sitting in the board room, and I can't stay awake to listen to Jon's rambling. It's only me and his team in here. None of them seem tired, and they listen intently to whatever the hell Jon is talking about. 

"Carter? Are you listening?" Jon's hand waved in front of my face. 

"No. I'm too tired to listen to you talk." I mumbled, forcing my eyes open.

"Wake up. You cannot sleep during this meeting. It's very important right now. You can sleep later." He said.

"Hey look at the time. It's later." I pointed at the clock.

"Seriously. This is important. Oh, hello Agent Cody, it's nice to see you here." 

Oh God no...

Can't I have one day without having to see his beautiful yet arrogant and selfish face?! Breathe in, breathe out. Good Carter. Don't speak unless spoken to. Yeah, I'll just do that. Because after all, the only thing my mouth does is say sarcastic and sassy things.

I'm just cool like that...yo.

"....Carter will remain with my team. I want yours to..." Jon said, and then I tuned out because my eyes were getting droopy. 

"Where's Artie?" Cody asked.

"Still searching for him. This guy's hard to find." He said. 

"What is our plan when we do receive his whereabouts?" 

"We're going to sneak into his headquarters and destroy the whole place. But we're going to need lots of back-up to do so." Some girl said. 

I spun my chair around, and eyed the girl who said that. She looked at about in her mid-twenties with her fiery red hair and green eyes. 

"Wow. You make that sound real easy. But don't you think he would be suspecting that from us? 'Cause I'm pretty sure he's aware that we're coming after him." I said.

She shot daggers at me, which I took in- 'cause I was so used to be getting that look from my mother. "What would you know? You're just a noob." 

A noob? Did that chick just call me a noob? Oh hell no. "I know that sneaking in and blowing up the whole place isn't going to work because only idiots would say things like that." I smirked at her. From the corner of my eye, I saw Cody and Jon surpress a smile.

"You did not just call me an idiot, noob." She hissed.

"Oh but I did...Idiot." I snapped. 

She lunged at me and I stood there with a challenging smirk on my face. She slapped me in the face, and I bit her arm while she tried to pull my hair. I was hit with insults. ( Eh, not as good as mine though) 

"Oh yeah? Well you're a disgusting hippo who sings like a dying walrus at night!!" I countered.

"Take.That. Back." She growled. 

I pretended to think about it. "Hmm...I guess I can, because you know, I'd be insulting hippos and dying walruses." I smirked.

She frowned and was about to punch me, when a hand came out of nowhere and grabbed her wrist. I looked at the hand, and followed it up the arm all the way to the face. Mr. Cocky Arrogant Jerk held her back from punching me.

Idiot whimpered, and pulled her wrist free from his grasp. Don't give me that disapproving look. I don't know her name, so I'm calling her Idiot. I bet in her mind she's calling me Noob. So please, don't give me that look.

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