Where Were You?

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"Carter!! What happend to you?!" Mom started cheking my face. She held my face in her hands. 

"Where were you, I should ask." She narrowed her eyes on me.

"I went out for a walk, now would you please, let me go take ANOTHER shower." I pulled out of her grasp, and marched to my room. Jeremy was now half-asleep on my bed. I pulled his hair, until he woke up.

"What the- Oh, Carter. Where were you? You took longer than your usual angry walks." He rubbed his eyes. 

"Oh, the usual, some jerk decided it was funny to mess with me, and I tripped on a rock. End of story." I took off my jacket, and grabbed some other clothes to change into after my shower. 

"So that's what happend to your eyebrow...." He mumbled.

"Eyebrow?" I asked. 

He got up, and brought me to the bathroom. He made me look in the mirror, and there was a cut right above my eyebrow. 

"HOLY FRICK!!" I yelled. 

Jeremy took a cloth, and ran it under the water, and dabbed it above my eye. It started stinging like mad. It was weird how I didn't notice my eyebrow bleeding like that. I guess that's why Mom was freaking. 

He wiped the last of the blood off, and put a bandaid with clowns on my eyebrow.

"Thanks J..." I muttered. 

He pulled me into a hug. "Be careful next time Carter." 

"No promises." 

He chuckled, his whole body shaking. 

"Even at your new school. With your new cooler friends. I bet they're better looking than me..." He wiped away a fake tear. 

"Aw, Jer, you're the only cool good-looking friend in my life. No matter who I meet there." I smiled.

He returned the smile. "Good, cause if you replace me, I'm replacing you with Jenny Fitzman." He teased. 

I punched him in the arm. "You do that, and I'll ruin your entire wardrobe." I threatened.

He knows how much I hate that girl. I know how much he loves his clothes.

"You wouldn't dare.." He said, darkly. 

"I so freaking would." I taunted.

"Well, if you ruined my clothes, then I'd have to do this." He said, and put his hands on my sides and started tickling me.

"AHH!!! JEREMY!! STOP IT!! IT.....TICKLES!!!" I gasped.

"Only if you promise not to destroy my prized posessions."

"Fine!!" I laughed.

He let go of me, and I jumped up, grabbed my clothes and headed to the bathroom.

"I crossed my fingers!!!" I called back.

After my long, good, warm, shower, and changing into my fluffy pajama's, Jeremy left, and I cuddled up on the couch with a cup of hot chocolate. Chocolate, is my life. It's like a love that can never hurt me. If it was possible, I'd marry chocolate. Or Charlie Bucket since he does own a chocolate river and Oompa Loompas.

"Carter, why haven't you started packing your things? You're leaving tomorrow morning!!" Mom stood in front of the tv.

"Because, I'm watching Glee, and Sam's beautiful abs." I motioned to the tv.

She rolled her eyes, something I had inherited from her, and pointed to my room.

"Go. Pack. Now. I don't care if you're watching Sam's abs, you are going to your room, and you are going to pack your bags for tomorrow." She frowned at me.

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