Throwing Coconuts

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*Still Cody's POV*

This was it. Today was the day I was getting the girl of my dreams back. I looked back at Artie who looked just as nervous as I was. What if Carter didn't want to see me again?

I started to sweat, and I kept on wiping it on the back of my hand. Artie must've noticed since he slapped me out of nowhere and looked me dead in the eye.

"What the hell is up with you man?" He asked. "This isn't like you. You wanna know how I know that? Cause the Cody I know is a bad-ass son of a gun. Not this butt-kissing wimp right in front of me." He poked me in the chest. I looked back at him and realized that he was right.

I nodded with confidence and knocked on the door before fear could stop me.

*Carter's POV*

"So guess who came knocking at my door earlier this afternoon?"

"Who?" I asked, getting slightly clammy. People were out looking for me, and I just couldn't have them finding me.

"Cody and Artie. They came by looking for you, and I told them that I don't know where you are. Which is slightly true because all I know is that you're living somewhere near a college, and I promised not to trace your phone calls because that is the respective and responsible aunt that I am." She said.

The apartment door jiggled, and I gulped. "Jeremy's here. I have to go." I said quietly and hung up.

A lot has happened over the past two months. Aunt Chloe found me lying on the ground, and carried me out of there, asking me if I wanted to stay with Jon and them. There was hesitation and then I told her that it was best if I didn't stick around. So she found herself a small apartment somewhere nearby, and I went back home to my parents and finished off high school.

Jeremy and I moved into an apartment nearby our college just a few days after my eighteenth birthday.

"I've got takeout!" He shouted from the kitchen.

"Is it pizza again?" I prayed that it wasn't. For the past two days he came home with pizza in arms.

"Nah. I got Thai instead. I feel so multicultural right now." He said, coming into the living room with two takeout boxes.

He handed me one, and a set of chopsticks. "The weirdest thing happened today." Jeremy said completely out of nowhere.

"Oh yeah?" I asked, twirling the noodles onto my chopsticks.

"Yeah. I was walking home, and these two guys came up to me. One of them asked if I knew you. I told him that I did. The other one looked up at me like I was his saviour or something. Then the short guy asked if I knew where you were,"

I started to get scared. "What did you say?" I asked.

"Told him no. Then they left." He replied.

I put my takeout box down and put my head in my hands. "Oh god," I groaned. "I'll be back, Jer. Don't wait up for me." I said.

Jeremy looked up at me with concerned eyes. "Carter, is something going on? Cause if those guys are giving you trouble, you want me to give you a baseball bat so you can chase them down?" He asked with seriousness in his tone.

"Nothing's wrong. I just need some fresh air right now." I grabbed my jacket and left.


Just when I thought they'd given up on me, they just had to show up at aunt Chloe's house and question Jeremy. Oh freaking awesome. The sky was dark tonight and the sky was cloudy and all you could see was the moon through them.

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