Carter the Care Bear

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"I have no other option." I said firmly. When I said that, Cody flinched and excuse himself from the room.

Jon and Artie grinned. "Good. Katerina Swan, you are now an official agent here. From now on, whatever goes on here is-"

"Completely top secret. I get it." I cut him off.

"Exactly. If you want, you guys can go out to celebrate. But only for tonight. We've got a long day tomorrow. Off with you all!" He said, waving us out of the room- probably to play Angry Birds on his phone.

"Congratulations, Carter! You're an agent now! Although I wish that rule about being in a relationship with one another didn't exist, cause I'd really like to take you out sometime." He pouted.

"Aw, it's okay Artie. We can go out one day. As friends though." I added after her sudden burst of hope.

Poor guy, he really needs a better girl to chase. If you can't tell, I'm the worse person to be crushing on. I' should know. I've broken a poor nerd's heart freshman year. I told him I was interested in a meat brain from the football team.

"Sounds great Carter. I know a great restaurant where we can celebrate." He suggested.

"Sure, but why did Cody just leave like that?" I wondered aloud.

He shrugged. "Don't be offended by him. He gets like that sometimes. We all got used to it at some point in our lives."

"Oh...Um, Artie? Is it okay if we go out  a little bit  later? I'm just so stressed over what's happened, and I need some time alone." I asked.

I earned a sincere smile from him, "Sure thing, Agent Carter." He teased.

I rolled my eyes and we both went our separate ways. Something inside me was telling me to go find Cody, but to keep it on the down low. I didn't want anyone to think that I liked him or something. That'd be weird, especially since we both really dislike each other.

I went to his room, but he wasn't there, so I just decided to give up and find Artie so we can look at this file. I went up  the stairs because the elevator was down for today. But before I was going to continue going up, I saw something that caught my eye.

 I made my way to the gym, and sure enough, there was Cody, beating up a punching bag with everything he has. I closed the gym door, and sat down on the bench watching him the whole time. He threw a bad-ass right hook, and he fell to the ground, panting and sweating.

I rushed over to him, and kneeled by his side. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine. Don't touch me." He growled, getting up  and heading to the door.

"What's your problem? I was just checking to see if you're okay." I asked, sounding exasperated.

"Look, I don't need you to start caring for me. I know you hate me and Jon just told you to come and make me go out with you guys to celebrate your misery in this place. ." He said harshly and then walked away.

I felt the tears brimming my eyes. Does he really think that I'm so cold hearted that I don't care? I know I have a hard shell and won't take crap from anyone, but that made a deep wound. If he thinks that, does everyone else think I have no heart just because of my shell?

Storming out of the gym, I grabbed his arm to stop him. He tensed, shaking my hand off, and turned around to glare at me. "Weren't you listening to me before? Do. Not. Touch. Me." He hissed.

"Cody, I don't know what's wrong here, but you are acting like a total jerk. I didn't come to talk to you just cause Jon told me to. I don't hate you at all. I really don't like you, but that doesn't mean I hate you. I can tell there's something wrong, Cody. If you don't want to talk about it with me, then it's fine. But if its really bothering you, talk to Jon or Artie. I can't see you upset like when you stormed out of the office earlier." I said, forcing the tears back in.

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