Mr. JerkFace

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  • Dedicated to Team Cody

Okay,,,,,,, this chapter is going to have a ''moment'' actually, its a Carter/Cody "moment".. Hope you all like it!


I took another swing at the punching bag with my fist, and it finally collapsed to ground after hours of receiving kicks and upper cuts. I took deep breaths, and grabbed a bottle of water, pouring it all over my head.

Then there was clapping. I twirled around to see who it was. Standing in the entrance of the gym, was a middle-aged looking man, wearing a black suit. He had piercing blue eyes, and short brown hair.

"The name is William. William Hawker. You must be Jonathan's newest recruit. Miss Carter Swan." He said, sounding very official.

"Last time I checked, yeah."

He looked shocked at my sarcasm, but then quickly recomposed his face. I did my best not to laugh at this guy. He obviously needs a dictionary with the word 'Sarcasm' highlighted.

"Well, I guess I will leave you to your training, Miss Swan. I hope to see you again in the very future." He said, and left. Just like that. Creepy much?


I unlocked the door of my room with my key card, and opened the door. It was around five in the afternoon when I got back. I told Jon what I did to the bag, and he said that he'd get someone to replace it.

"Where were you?!" An upset voice asked harshly.

I twirled around to see Cody sitting on the edge of the window, without looking at me, but outside the window.

"I should be asking the questions here. What are you doing here. In MY room?" I emphasized on 'my'.

"I asked the question first." He argued. Are we seriously doing this?

"You know what? I don't give a crap right now. Just lock up when you're done here." I said, turning around and then closing the door. I started walking down the hallway towards Artie's office, hoping he'll help make things better, trying to push my furious tears back in.

"Carter!" Someone called from behind, but I didn't turn around. I didn't want to face him. Stupid Cody. I don't even know why he hates me so much.

"Carter!!" I just kept on walking, until I saw Jon. I went up to him and that's when I broke down.

"Hey, Carter...What happened?" Jon asked, like a concerned father.

"I can't do this anymore..." I sobbed.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

I turned around to see Cody, standing there, with an unknown emotion written all over his face.

"Jon, can we talk about this in private?" I asked. He saw me glance in Cody's direction and understood what I was trying to tell him. He took me by the elbow, and led me away.

"Let's talk in my office."


Jonathan Gray's office, is really clean. It's like a principle's office, but better. He has a flat screen TV, that monitors every room in this building, and two computers at his desk, with a soft black love seat in front of his glossy desk.

"You want to talk about it, or you just wanted to get away from Cody?" He asked, sitting down in his chair. Sometimes I wonder if he can read my mind...

"I needed to get away from him." I looked down at my fingers.

"What happened with you two?" He looked at me with concern.

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