Not Even A School

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"Ladies and gentleman, we have arrived in Washington D.C, please remain in your seats and buckle up, we will land in ten minutes." The intercom boomed, causing me to wake up. Yay. I landed in hell.

When we landed, I took my carry-ons, and got out. I retrieved my luggage, and looked for someone holding a sign for me. 'Katerina Swan' Someone's sign read. Ugh... I hated it when Mom registered me in  my real name. Yes people, my real name is Katerina. But I got sick of that name at the mere age of 7. So Mom, Dad and everyone else called me Carter.

I couldn't make out the face of the guy holding the sign, because I was so far away, so I walked towards him, but then some lady was calling out to be careful. When I looked in her direction, I saw one of the carts for your luggage heading towards me.

Last thing that I could remember, a luggage cart was toppling on me.


"She was just standing there, and then some luggage cart was out of control and it hit her. I had to pick up her stuff, and her to the car, cause she was unconscious." Some really hot male voice said.

"Okay, give her a couple hours or something. In the meanwhile, go to the Center and see if James is there, ask him if he has my laptop. It was missing since yesterday..." That damn voice said.

"Sure thing Jon." And then I heard the door close.

Great. I'm alone with the devil.

"You can open your eyes now. It's just you and me."

I slowly opened my eyes, and saw that Jonathan guy who made me come to this wretched school.

"What happend?" I asked.

"You were hit. By a luggage cart."

"Of course I was. Am I dead? Cause I think I ended up in hell, you're here."

"Sadly, you're not dead. Actually, you're in the infirmary." He said sarcastically.

"Ugh, so I really am at the school.." I muttered.

"Nope," He checked his watch, and looked back at me. "I've got a meeting to get to, Cody should be here soon to give you the tour of the place. For now, I think I'll just bring you to the Center, and you can just wait for Cody to get you."

He got up, and waited for me to get up. When I got up, he led me out, and we passed by a ton of official looking people. Where am I?


"Here's the Center. Where all the action goes on. Well, the techno kind of action. Just sit over there, and- Collins! Get over here!" He called over my head.

Some hot guy's head popped up, and looked at Jonathan, and came over to us. He was not hot. He was unbelievably sexy. He had dark hair, that was falling over his dark beautiful eyes. He was pretty tall, for a hot guy.

"Cody, meet Carter. Carter, meet Cody. Now if you both excuse me, I have a meeting. I'll see you both later on in the day." Jonathan said, and left me with Cody.

"Ah, so you're the girl that Jon's been talking about. The girl that was hit by the luggage cart." He said, inspecting me.

"I didn't see it coming!" I defended my pride.

"I wonder why he brought a girl like you, to a place like this." He cocked his head to the side, as if I was so interesting.

"Excuse me? A girl like me?" I asked, putting a hand on my chest, feigning hurt.

"Yes. A clumsy, sassy girl like you." He smirked.

Sassy? He does not know who he is messing with.

"Whatever. Can you just give me the tour already? I'm tired." I snapped.

"Fine. Let's go." He said, and started walking away.

For a hot guy, he sure is a jerk. A hot jerk.


After the long tour, followed by insults, and snappy comebacks, and my sarcasm, Cody led me back to my apparent room. This place was pretty cool, it had training centers, shooting ranges, punching bags, the whole package for a chick like me.

But punching bags and weights weren't as great as the rest. The pool had mini-submarines and rockets shooting at the fast divers. There was a battle field, where people would train, as if they were marines, and there was also a place where you can learn how to hack high secured computers.

This place was epic!!

I went into my room, and Cody stayed at the doorway.

"Your luggage is already here, don't make yourself too much at home. Go to the Training Center tomorrow at 5 am." He said, and walked out.

Stupid hot jerk.

I took out my phone, and called Jeremy.


"Hi Jer!!"

"Carter!! How's it going at the school?" He asked.

"Actually, it's-" I was cut off by Cody entering the room and taking the phone from me.

"I'm sorry, but Carter has to go to class right now. She will call you later." He hung up.

"What was that?!" I exclaimed after he handed me my phone.

"You cannot tell anybody about what you saw today. This place is top notch secret, and it has to stay that way. When someone calls you, and asks how it's going at the school, you tell them anything BUT what goes on here." He said.

"Why is it so secret?" I asked.

"Because, this place is the headquarters to an association so secret, it doesn't have a name." He said.

"So, this is the headquarters to terrorists?" I raised an eyebrow

He sighed in frustration, "No. It's the opposite. We're associated with the Secret Service, the CIA, FBI, and the U.S. Army Forces. We take care of some of the cases that the others can't handle at the moment."

"Okay... but why am I here?" I asked.

"According to Jon, you two met when he was trying to take out an accomplice of our recent case. You helped him, and he thinks you have enoguh potential for a place like this. He says we might need a person like you for this case." He said.

"He doesn't know what he's talking about. I do not have potential. I'm just violent, sarcastic, and born with a bad attitude. I don't belong here." I said.

"Sad to say, but I agree with you. But you were brought here, and there's no leaving now. Get some rest, it's going to be a long day tomorrow." Was the last thing he said to me that night.

What the hell did I get myself into now?


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