Jack The Clipper Review!

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Spoiler Alert! Hey guys! I just watched the brand new Danger Force episode! Here is what I thought about it! Okay, I think the Chose level is 8 and the Bomika level is 7? I DON'T KNOW! ALL I KNOW IS I HATED ALL THAT STUPID BOMIKA CRAP! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I HATED THE CHAPA TORTURE! Chapa:"Natalie Mazdah. Clipped. Vice Mayor Willard. Clipped. And Benny(Voice cracking)That stupid dog with a hat who was so mean to me at Club Soda! Clipped." The others agreeing they are funny. Chapa:"Especially you Benny!" You know what? I'm GLAD Natalie Mazdah, Vice Mayor Willard, and Benny that stupid dog who was so mean to Chapa at Club Soda got clipped because I hate their guts! WHY?!? Because A:Natalie Mazdah is super duper annoying! Well, she wasn't at Club Soda. But still! B:Vice Mayor Willard skipped out on a Father Son Picnic with Bose and tried to skip out on Bose's play! And ho boy, was Chapa EVER ticked off! Because she has a crush on Bose and is her favorite one and Chapa is my favorite one! So if Chapa's not happy, I'M not happy! C:Benny that stupid dog with a hat was so mean to Chapa at Club Soda! And not only that Regina threw a pair of scissors and they hit the T.V. and it broke and Chapa screamed and was all like 'First Benny and now you?!?' Not to mention she tossed her cookies! She puked! Aww, poor thing! BTW I wish Bose was the one comforting Chapa! Poor Chapa! WHY IS THERE CHAPA TORTURE?!? HUH?!? Chapa is a sweet little girl! Chapa is a sweet little angel! She not scary! She's just misunderstood! She has a big heart! And when Bose said he is terrified of her, her big heart broke! Sometimes those who seem the toughest are the ones who are the most sensitive. She seems to be more emotional then the rest of the group, such as almost crying when Chicken Man left. Chicken Man:"Well, uh, I know we all promised each other we're not gonna cry when I left so I'm not even gonna make eye contact with Volt." Chapa turned away. Chapa:(Holding back tears)"Don't look at me." Miles or Mika:"Even Chapa loves 'Genuine Moments'." Chapa:"No. I--I don't like it." Everyone gasps. Chapa:"I love it." Everyone 'Awws'. I LOVE that part! I LOVE the part where it went like this:Bose:"I don't know what a (Says word I don't remember)is but I sure do need one." Chapa zaps Bose's back and it fixes Bose's back! Aww! Chapa is a sweet little angel! Bose really IS her favorite one! She really DOES have a crush on him! Bose:"Hey, when did you become a (Says word I don't remember)?" Chapa has a cute straight face. She is probably hiding her inner happiness and trying not to smile, giggle and laugh and show off her soft side so the others won't get suspicious and tease her for having a crush on Bose which she does and Bose has a crush on her too! Anyway, I LOVE the part where They both(along with the others)watch "Genuine Moments" together. I LOVE the part where it went like this:Bose:"Hey, what is that big shiny thing in the sky?" Chapa:"For the last time Bose, that's the Moon!" I LOVE the part where after Chapa saw Bose's messed up hair she didn't want him to be sad so the sweet little girl said 'Might as well keep the helmet on buddy.' I LOVE the part where after Bose fell Chapa stepped closer to Bose probably to make sure he's okay! Awww! I LOVE the part where Chapa stood next to Bose to get on Bose's back! I LOVE that Bose and Chapa were sitting next to each other! I LOVE that Bose and Chapa were standing next to each other! I LOVED the part where Ray was all like 'Nobody wants your floor donuts--Oh is that a boston jelly cream?' Ray reaches down and picks it up. LOL! I LOVED the barber shop quartets, paperdolls and puns! But wait! Before I go, I have something to tell you guys...IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! I'M 17! Best Birthday present episode ever! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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