Chapter 15 Good morning. Good bye

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I awake from my suprisingly dreamless slumber. Today is the day of the games. Today will decide my fait. In 2 weeks 95 people will be killed. Wait-94 will be, Harrison....
I automatically shake the thought out of my head and get up. I walk out of my room greeted by not so much food as other days. Probably because today is the games, or Paylor just limited my food now so I can starve in the games. I eat as much as I really came. Yogurt,toast,bacon,and pancakes. As I finish chugging down my OJ I immediately without a word leave the table. I over hear the conversations in the other room. "What's up with her" I think it's Ethan's voice. "Didn't you hear,she attacked Paylor after her brother was shot" Ava remarks. "Yes! It can start a rebell-" Cristy gets interrupted. "Will you shut up with this 'rebellion' crap it's worthless! She's worthless! The only thing she's capable of is hurting herself and her surroundings. Watch her die first in the games while you sit at her grave and mourn her I'll be sitting in the corner saying I told you so" Zachary hisses at Cristy. I hear Ava cry and footsteps,she probably went back to her room. I hear nothing from Savannah. "He's right" I whisper and I start to weep silently. "No,he's not" I look up to see my brother, handsomer as ever. I stand up speechless. I reach out to touch his body as my hand goes through him. "Hannah, you can fight, your smart, your nothing Zachary said. Now go out there and win for mom. Win for dad. Win for Ava and Savannah. Win for me" I nod and he disappears. My eyes go and I attempts to hug him as he fades away into the atmosphere. "I love you" I whisper. The door swings open. It's Cristy. I embrace her and I feel tears from her face too. "1 hour left lets get you changed" Cristy holds my shoulders as she says this. "I want to see Ava and Savannah" I reply. "You can't, too late you'll have to see them in the games I'm sorry" Cristy frowns. I cry into her arms. "Why? Why us" I cry more and more until her shirt is soaked with my tears. She hold my hand like a 4 year old as she walks me to the changing room. I change and look in the mirror. Damn, never knew this day would come. But here I am now. My hair in a pony tail. Black sweatpants and gray shirt. I look and a mirror and I don't see the innocent girl I used to see. I see a fighter. I see me.
Cristy walks me into the launching room. " 30 seconds remaining,please get into your pods" I freeze. I embrace Cristy. "I'm sorry I tried! I tried to start one! That dress-it was stunning! It was-" She shushes me. "20 seconds remaining please get into your pods" Cristy finally speaks "Show them what you can do. Remember. Don't go for the bloodbath unless there's something directly in front of you which I doubt about all the mischief you created" I chuckle. "Thank you" I say for probably the 100th time. "10 seconds remaining, please get into your pods" I don't say anything this time I just walk into the pod and wave a goodbye. "Thank you" I mouth. She smiles and nods. "You can do it" she mouths. Suddenly the pod rises and I see Cristy break into tears. She really does care about me.
The pod rises and I'm introduced to the arena. It's a desert. I'm already boiling and I see that random places in the arena there are small fires. I guess it's supposed to be set up as if is hell. "May the odds be ever in your favor" I hear Caeser on the over head.


I look in front of me and about 30 feet away from me is a bow and quiver


Should I go to the bloodbath or not!?


But Zachary said...




I look around and add Ava on the other side and Savy about 7 pods away from me.


I see that girl Amy two pods down


I'm just going to bolt to the Cornucopia!


No I shouldn't!


If I do and I live we can have the upper hand


BANG! The gong sounds.

Hey guys! It's finally here! I'm so excited! Comment who should survive or at least make through it til the end! Vote and comment it means the world!
-hannah xo

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