Chapter 22 Ashley

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We run for about 15 minutes until we know it's safe and we can stop. I can see in Ava's eyes that she doesn't fully trust Ashley, I mean she just jumped into the alliance who would trust her at the first second? Me. I don't know why but I just really trust her even though I just met her a couple minutes ago.
"Do you want me to start a fire-?" Ashley asks as she gets cut off by Ava.
"No! It will attract tributes!" Ava hisses back at Ashley. Ashley starts to back up in shock. You can't just ask for Ava's trust and she hands it to you. If you know Ava you need to work for her trust.
The arrow goes through the deer as it drops to the ground and I announce my success of retrieving dinner. Everyone cheers because we have battled for the past few days, except for Ashley, she probably is better fed then she even was before the games because of the Career's hunting skills. Amy skins and guts the deer as we all watch waiting for it to be ready. "Crap..." I whisper. "What's wrong?" Ava asks looking around to see if we're being watched. "We need to make a fire, it's a huge risk" I remark. "I'll take watch, I'll climb that palm tree, I'll yell if I hear something" Amy replies as we all nod and thank her.
Savannah and Ava go out to find some fire wood that is rare to find in the desert. Ashley makes the fire as I put stones around the fire to keep it brining. Them, Ava and Savannah come back with more than enough fire wood. "Perfect lets get this over with then destroy it" Ashley says as she stabs the deer meat into a big stick and cooks it over the fire. After 10 minutes the deer is fully cooked and ready to eat
"Amy, get down here it's ready!" I say as I get interrupted.
Perfect timing when the fallen tributes appear in the night sky.
All tributes from 12 appear in the sky
5 tributes from 8 appear in the sky
Cesar appears in the sky.... He deserved it that traitor.
And that annoying kid Jeremy died.

Tears roll down Ashley's face as Ava pats her back. At least Ava is getting there with Ashley. We break the meat and destroy the fire immediately. I eat my leg of the deer in minutes as well do Savannah and Amy. But Ava finishes it in a split second. She didn't eat the whole games, she's a vegetarian I'm surprised she gave in. That's good at least so she doesn't have to starve. Ashley gives Ava a nervous look as she glances at her bony and skinny body from not eating. "Take my leg, I ate a lot during the games you need this" Ashley says as she hands Ava her deer leg. Ava smiles "thanks" she says as she gives Ashley a little friendly nudge.

Hey guys! It's Hannah. Longer chapter for you guys❤️ More updates up tomorrow!
-hannah xo

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