Chapter 35 Blood Bananas

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Ava falls in the floor clutching her chest and groans. "I can't do this anymore, go on please" She says weakly and I pick her up, "I'm not going anywhere, I gave you berries" I say as I get sarcastic looks from Savannah and Ava, "yeah, those 6 berries helped" Savannah says and she rolls her eyes and I give her a friendly punch. I help Ava out, "Bananas!" I scream as my eyes widen and focus on the new "holy fruit", any food is now the "holy fruit". Without thinking of anything I run up to the tree that holds the bananas and climb the tree, I feel a tug on my pants and look down to see Ava tugging on my pants like a child. Ignoring her I keep climbing and grab the yellow fruit and take the peel off and toss two down to Savannah and Ava and they immediately refuse the fruit. "You can't be picky at this time!" I say rolling my eyes. Ava is just a body with bones now and she refuses to eat, what's wrong? I open my mouth to greet the fruit until my plan dies, the arrow goes straight thorough the banana and his the tree. I look at the arrow that now reveals the blood oozing out of the banana. "Blood-Bananas" I whisper and I got sarcastic looks from the girls. Blood-Bananas are recently discovered deadly fruits usually found in district 6, they are used to kill enemies and predators of any kind. The blood in blood-bananas aren't your average blood that you get when you get a paper cut, the blood is toxic and unlike other blood if you eat it you get sick and die, this blood hallucinates you (similar to tracker jacker venom) and makes you do terrible things to yourself such as stab yourself or starve yourself, pretty much slow painful deaths. "You seriously have to start listening" Savannah says as I'm in a daze. Who shot the arrow? Who saved my life? I see a bit of black hair behind a bush and a glint of metal, arrows. "Who are you?" I crawl up the the bush setting my weapons down, a girl about my height emerges from the bush. "Shannon, district 5, I'm 13, take this you look starved" The girl says now knowing her name is Shannon hastily hands me a bird, deer, and fish. Confused I reach out my hand to shake hers, she high fives, chuckles and bolts.

Hey guys, it's Hannah! Introducing you to my friend Shannon. I'm tending to add featured characters. Like Kathleen,Aitana, etc. if your not already in my book comment if you want to be in!
-hannah xo

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