Twenty Four

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♡︎Maeve's POV♡︎

-Three months later-

I sat by the small apartment window, a hot mug of coffee in my hand. River was in the shower currently, leaving me to make breakfast.

I let out a breath of air, my mind still soaking up the events of the past few weeks.

River and I both worked a job, making minimum wage. That money plus the rest of what she managed to bring along through the chaos, gave us enough to rent a small apartment.

A very small apartment.
There was a small kitchen and living room, only a few steps separating the two.
We shared a bedroom which had a small built in bathroom. And lastly, a very small room for laundry.

Though small, it was very pretty. River has a great sense of decoration. We had plants everywhere. Not too much so it's tacky, but enough to add a pop of green to our mostly white apartment adorned with huge windows.

Our view was nice as well, a beach not too far away. We got to watch the sunset every evening.

I flip the pancakes, hearing River exiting the shower.

I listened to her soft wet footsteps padding into the kitchen.

"Hi." She smiles, wrapping her arms around my waist while pressing a gentle kiss to the side of my neck.

I laugh softly, "You're all wet rivs."

I feel her smirk against my neck, so dirty minded.

"I made pancakes." I hum, gently pushing away from her and dropping them onto two plates.

"Yum!" She smiles, excitement laced in her voice. I've learned that River loves pancakes.

We begin to eat, sitting at our small kitchen island on top of white stools.

I gently smack rivers hand as I see it edging it's way to grab my cup.

She frowns, "Can I have someeee?"

I stifle a laugh. "No. It's mine."

She frowns then grabs the cup taking a sip. I playfully roll my eyes.
"You couldn't make your own?"

She shakes her head 'no' and digs into her pancakes.


The sun has set, River and I were laying in our bed.

I watched as River stretched, a few bones in her spine popped causing her to let out a hum of approval.

She noticed me staring at her and scooted closer to me, straddling my lap.

"Ya know, we have our own apartment now which means we can have all the sex we want." She teased, her lips awfully close to the sensitive skin of my ears.

I shivered, warmth spreading across my cheeks.

"You're a dork." I smiled, pushing her away from me and my flustered state.

She jutted her lower lip out in a subtle pout.

"You don't wanna have sex with me?" She continued to tease further, her eyes soft and flirtatious.

I covered my hot face with my hands, "Shhhh."
My whole body was warm from how flustered she made me.

"You're fun to mess with." She giggled out to me. I glared at her through my parted fingers before shifting to lay on my stomach, hiding my face in my pillow.

I feel the bed dip around me, then her weight sitting on top of me.

"You're so cute." She cooed, running her fingers down the skin on my back that was left exposed thanks to my loose tank top.

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