Chapter 1: No Way Home

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The Multiverse. It was something VERY confusing to think about. An array of parallel universes, worlds, and all kinds of dimensions. It would be impossible to see all of, because it would constantly growing.

Every action in the prime universe could create another universe, and actions are done everyday. So, the multiverse is infinite. Neverending.

But, that's not to say people haven't traveled through it before.

The Red Guard came flying through a portal, blasting his foe, the Silver Soldier on his way out. Silver Soldier barely dodged, flying after her rival.

She hopped off her staff, punching the hero across the face and onto the endless void that was the center of the multiverse.

Red Guard grunted, standing up despite there being no ground. He looked around, all too familar with the setting. Since Silver Soldier's staff gave her the ability to travel through entirely different dimensions.

Silver Soldier grabbed her staff and landed across from Red Guard, narrowing her eyes. "I can't WAIT to take you to The Emperor."

Red Guard clutched his staff, spinning it around and smirking under his mask. "No jokes, Luz? C'mon, my uncle's bound to have given you a sense of humor!"

"Oh, you want me to be funny?" Silver Soldier laughed before teleporting beside Red Guard, whacking her staff into his side and then blasting him. She laughed more, but it was clearly evil laughter.

Red Guard tumbled, but flew up into the 'air' before he could crash into an entirely different dimension. He then lunged at Silver Soldier, clashing his staff against hers. Silver Soldier clashed back, the two fighting with all of their skills and magic.

Red Guard eventually shot out a burst of fire from his staff, but Silver Soldier froze it in mid air and then blasted him, but Red Guard spun around his staff and deflected the blast back at her.

Silver Solider deflected it into another universe and then clashed once again with Red Guard, but suddenly turned her staff into a sword.

Red Guard quickly did the same, his sword a shining crimson while Silver Soldier's was obviously silver. Sparks flew as the blades clashed.

Silver Soldier summoned another silver blade into her second hand and then began constantly clashing against Red Guard, the blades sliding against one another before she took a swing with both of her swords across Red Guard's chest.

Red Guard cried out in pain, but quickly blocked another swing and then slashed Silver's wrist, knocking the second sword out of her hand.

Silver Soldier growled before turning her sword back into her staff and waving it around, sending a storm of blue energy bullets.

Red Guard turned his sword back into a staff too and began spinning it around, creating a forcefield around himself, which shattered once all the bullets came down.

"Predictable!" Silver Soldier exclaimed, jabbing the staff into Red Guard's stomach and then whacking him away.

Red Guard rolled onto his feet before standing. "Wow, what a memorable villain quote." He then began mocking her. "Predictable!"

Silver Soldier rolled her eyes before jabbing her staff into his face and then blasting him.

Red Guard tumbled again, but caught himself and stood up. He smirked before thrusting his staff forward, shooting out a golden beam of energy.

Silver Soldier did the same, but with a blue beam of energy. The beams collided, growing and growing in power before the void they were in began shifting colors at how much energy there was in the center.

Then? The blast exploded, sending Red Guard and Silver Soldier flying away from each other. But the explosion spread into 6 little energy bullets, all of which spread across the void.

Red Guard grunted, holding his head as he stood up. But he saw the bullets spread across the void...but not into universes. Into what circled around the void. The LITERAL timeline.

"Oh, no..." Red Guard whispered, flying after them, but Silver Soldier grabbed his cape and slammed him down.

"LET'S SEE WHAT HAPPENS, SHALL WE?!?" Silver Soldier laughed, holding Red Guard in a headlock and forcing him to watch what was about to happen.

"NO!!!" Red Guard screamed, trying his hardest to break out.

But it was too late.

The bullets hit multiple points in the timeline, and 6 PEOPLE came flying out of it seconds later.

Three looked familar, and three didn't to Red Guard.

The first had a golden mask and a long cloak, with golden horns rising high from his head. 

The second was completely black and made from OOZE, which shifted around his body constantly.

The third was a man around Red Guard and Silver Soldier's age, with a golden mask and white hood.

But the other three...they were more interesting.

The fourth was a GIANT, wielding some kind of flaming sword and with a crown on his head.

The fifth was some kind of creature with long arms with incredibly sharp claws.

The sixth was probably the most terrifying, with multiple eyes and long horns. It looked like a demon.

The six flew all around before landing in the Prime present time. Red Guard finally broke out of the headlock, whipping around and kicking Silver Soldier in the chest.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?!" Red Guard screamed.

Silver Soldier laughed evilly. "You mean what have YOU done?"

Red Guard growled and grabbed Silver Solider, the two of them jumping into the portal that lead into the prime universe.

Red Guard: An alternate version of Hunter Wittebane, who broke out of his uncle's control and became the hero. Now, he protects his adoptive parents, Edalyn and Raine Clawthorne. Along with his allies, King, Vee, and Kikimora.

Silver Solider: An alternate version of Luz Noceda and rival of Red Guard. After Hunter failed to save her from Belos' clutches, she was brainwashed by the emperor into becoming his personal servant. Now, she doesn't even remember her past life or even her own son, King.

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