Chapter 6: Heart's Core

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Sasha clashed against Belos' staff, pink and red energy pulsing and zapping all across the neighborhood before she punched Belos in the face. Belos stumbled back, but quickly blasted Sasha away.

The Toad Queen slid across the street, but then? Flying right beside her were Anne and Marcy. Marcy fired a storm of energy arrows at Belos, with Anne slashing her sword and sending out an energy burst with a swing.

All the arrows and the burst hit Belos, causing him to growl and clutch his chest. He then looked at Golden Guard. "It appears they are stronger than they appear..."

"And we still don't know where we are, Uncle." Golden Guard said, spinning around his staff.

Belos turned to him. "Or how you're alive..."

Golden Guard's eyes widened. "Huh?"

Belos turned back to the battle and slammed his staff down, sending out a red shockwave. Anne, Marcy, and Sasha slid back, but remained on their feet. All three of them then flew into the air and charged, but Belos quickly created a forcefield to protect himself.

Golden Guard then came out of the forcefield, blasting Anne in the face before jabbing his staff into Marcy's chest. And finally, he clashed with Sasha.

Marcy spun around in the air, firing about three flaming arrows at Golden Guard, causing his and Sasha's clash to break. Anne then flew in, slashing the Golden Guard to the ground.

Golden Guard landed, clutching his chest before he turned his staff into a sword and quickly began fighting with Anne, sparks flying from the blades colliding.

Sasha then grabbed her hammer, slamming it down against Belos' forcefield with a growl. Belos just chuckled, almost amused by Sasha's attempt.

Marcy was about to help before she felt something tight press against her neck and she cried out. She then saw someone on her back. Grom.

"REMEMBER ME!?" Grom roared with evil laughter, choking Marcy with his staff.

Marcy growled before stabbing Grom in the leg with a green energy dagger, causing him to let go of her. She then set her hand ablaze with green fire, punching Grom onto the road. She then landed, turning the dagger and one of her arrows into swords.

Grom cackled and spun around his staff, blasting at Marcy. Marcy quickly dodged, her cape catching ablaze with the power of Grom's blast. She shrieked a bit, but threw her cape off and then clashed with Grom.

Sasha FINALLY smashed through Belos' forcefield, but was then blasted in the chest, causing her to go higher in the air. Belos then teleported beside her and swung his staff down into her, causing her to crash downwards. He then teleported beside her again, only to get hit in the face with her hammer.

Anne slashed at Golden Guard's sword again and again before turning her sword into a bow and arrow and firing at Golden Guard. Golden Guard quickly deflected the arrow, but was then met with another sword.

The battles continued for what felt like ever, with no one reaching a point to where they would win. But then? Belos' eyes glowed a bright red and he slammed his staff down, blasting all The Three Stars.

Grom growled. "SHE WAS MY FIGHT, BELOS-"

"Silence." Belos hissed. "We are needed elsewhere."

Golden Guard turned. "Huh? What do you mean, my liege?"

"Luz Noceda breathes..." Belos said with a demonic tone before he slammed his staff down against the ground, teleporting all three of them away.

Marcy grunted, getting up. "Who's Luz...?"

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