Chapter 16: The ACTUAL Finale

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Anne drew her sword, smirking. "I got Titaness!"

"We'll hold the others off." Hunter said, spinning around his staff and looking at Golden Guard. For once, eager to fight his inner demons.

Luz then turned to Marcy. "And Mar-Mar? You know what to do!"

Marcy winked before she quickly flew off.

Titaness growled and flew in the air. "GET THEM!" She commanded and all the villains attacked, while Anne herself just flew up to Titaness and began clashing against her staff with her sword.

Sasha clashed against Andrias, Hunter clashed against Golden Guard, Vee lunged herself at Cloaker, and finally, Luz zoomed towards Grom.

Luz blasted some of Grom's body clean off, freeing his hostages and catching them all. She then set them down and blasted Grom right in the face. Grom roared in pain before turning into a giant dragon like creature and ROARING, blasting out a blue beam of energy. Luz just smirked and crossed her arms, the dark blast suddenly deflecting back into Grom's mouth thanks to The Titan's Armor.

Grom SCREAMED in pain, stumbling backwards and transforming back. Luz then zoomed behind Grom, whacking him and then unleashing a giant and devastating beam of light, causing Grom to tumble down, unable to get back up.

Luz smirked, resting her staff on her shoulder before she zoomed over to Red King, Red Vee, Eda, Raine, and Kikimora. "Let's get you all out of here." She said, zooming back into The Owl House.

Vee jabbed her staff into Cloaker's chest, shattering some of his metal before she swung her staff upwards, sending a swarm of ice that froze Cloaker's legs to the ground.

Cloaker growled and turned his arm into a canon, blasting over and over again at Vee, who dodged at super speed. She even stuck her tongue out at the robot before swooping in, grabbing Emira and carrying her bridal style.

'I feel like I'll be carried like this a lot.' Emira thought before she got off and helped Red Guard break free, taking him to The Owl House.

Cloaker then smashed himself free, lunging at Vee and swinging his claw downwards, but the same golden forcefield from The Titan's Armor protected her. Cloaker kept blasting or trying to smash her, but Vee just smirked and then smashed her body into Cloaker, sending him tumbling down a hill.

Vee then scratched her chin. "U-Uhh...hang on, I got a good ice pun...oh, I'm not good with these." She said before freezing Cloaker before he could get back up.

Sasha smashed her hammer into Andrias' face and then on his head. Andrias stumbled back, but swung his double edged blade, clashing against Sasha's hammer.

Andrias growled. "You think some fancy golden armor is going to save you?!" He cried, swinging his sword down again, but when Sasha didn't block it with her hammer? The golden forcefield formed around her, protecting her from his strike.

Sasha smirked and turned her hammer into her own double edged sword. "Yeah. Yeah, I think it is."

Andrias kept swinging, but no matter how hard or fast he struck, Sasha would remain unscathed. She then laughed before zooming over and slashing Andrias' sword handle in half. He tried to block her next attack with his shield, but Sasha sliced that in half too.

She then flew high into the air and slammed back down, knocking King Andrias out cold.

Hunter stood down Golden Guard before zooming over, knowing his own weaknesses. He then slashed Golden Guard's staff right out of his hand.

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