Chapter 2: An Eye for an Ẽ̵͐́̂̉y̵͖̓̋͆̈́͝e

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"I sometimes forget you're rich, Mama." King said, watching TV with his second mother, Amity Blight.

Amity snorted and laughed, holding her son close. "Yeah, I forget that too. Almost always. I only ever remember I'm rich when I'm in my car, which isn't shiny or fancy like the rest of my house."

"Am I in your will?" King asked, his little tail wagging.

Amity laughed, covering her mouth. "Where did you learn about that?"

"The TV!" King said, pointing at whatever Old West movie the two were watching to pass the time.

"Huh. Not too surprised." Amity said before focusing back on the screen. The movie ended with the main villain getting shot and the credits started to roll.

King blinked. "...that's it? The bad guy just dies and that's it?! Mama, punish this movie with magic!" He said, bouncing on the couch.

Amity kissed King's forehead before grabbing her staff and then reaching it forward to grab the remote, and put it into her hand. In which she turned off the TV.

Totally magic.

"HAHA! YOU ARE BANISHED!" King said with fake evil laughter.

Amity giggled and did a playful bow. "Whatever my king wishes shall be done!"

King smiled, nodding at a rapid pace before he stood up. "So, when is Mom getting back?"

"Her, Uncle Hunter, and Auntie Vee are out doing patrol. Making sure no more bad guys are around." Amity said, kneeling down to King's level. "Just because Belos is gone doesn't mean there isn't still bad people."

"But Mom can take em down! She's super duper strong!" King exclaimed. "She beat THE TITAN!"

"She did, but not alone and not with just her strength. She used her brain to think of a plan! Being smart is also part of being a hero!" Amity smiled, scooping King into her arms.

King nodded before seeing something on Amity's finger. The promise ring Luz had given her a few days ago. He only NOW noticed it. "Hey, Mama. What's that?"

"Huh? Oh! It's my promise ring." Amity explained. "Your mom gave it to me."

"What's a promise ring?" King asked, scratching his head.

Amity smiled. "Well, you know how in movies and in real life, people who love each other very much get married?"


"Well, it's like that. But it's different. We're too young to be married right now, so this ring is like her promise to me. That she WILL be married to me one day. And me wearing the ring is my promise to her that I'll be married to her too." Amity smiled. "And I'll legally be your Mama!"

King giggled. "You already are!"

"Awww, King!" Amity laughed before suddenly? The lights began to flicker on and off. King held tightly onto his mother shortly before the lights stayed on...but only shortly before a giant CRASH was heard outside.

Amity set King down on the couch, grabbing her staff. "Stay here."

King nodded, whimpering a little bit and grabbing a blanket and his plushie, Francois.

Amity used her staff to summon the armor her father had built to protect her and looked outside, slowly stepping out. She looked around. It wasn't a car or some kind of vehicle that crashed deep into the forest around their house...but it WAS something.

Trees, and branches were knocked all over. Amity had to use her staff to blast away some remains so she could walk through. "Hello?" She called out, putting the hood on her cloak, which blacked her face so no one would see her. A little help from Luz's illusion magic.

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