Chapter 4: Glorious Battle

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Anne Boonchuy. Marcy Wu. Sasha Waybright. These three were the Three Stars, great warriors prophesied to defeat a mighty evil.

And thankfully, that evil was destroyed. They couldn't quite remember when they had won, but oh, they'd remember that they DID win for the rest of their lives. After all, what person could say they killed an almighty spirit of pure evil?

Not many, that's for sure.

Sasha looked at the helmet of her past life, almost zoning out as she stared into the empty visor that was once black with her glowing pink eyes. She remembered when she wore it as The Toad Queen, and being the Toad Queen definitely brought back good memories and bad memories.

Even after Anne forgave her and she had done so many things to prove she no longer wanted to be a bad person anymore, she still doubted herself deep down. Some could even say it was a fear of hers. That she'd mess up again and both of her only friends would hate her again.

Then, her phone buzzed. "Huh?"

Sasha picked up her phone and sure enough? It was from Anne. It was a photo of Marcy, who had fallen asleep in Anne's arms, her cute little axolotl horns lightly glowing green.

Anne: Isn't she adorable?! Just look at her! X3

Sasha: I could write a whole BOOK about how much you gush about Marcy. XD, but you're not wrong, she's adorable.

Anne: Oh, I love this woman. Anyway, what's up?

Sasha: Not much. Just busy being the queen of nothing.

Anne: Ah, business as usual for her royal majesty.

Sasha: XDDDD

Anne: Guess it is kinda boring without anything to fight or do. But hey, heroes fight so there can be no fight anymore, right?

Sasha: Right. Maybe I'll stop by later though. Tell Marcy I said hi when she wakes up!

Anne: Will do! Cya, Sashy!

Sasha smiled before putting her phone away. She stood up, chuckling to herself. "Whenever I start to doubt myself again, I remember exactly what happened-"

Then? There was a loud crash from her backyard. "What the hell?"

Sasha looked at her back window and for some reason? There was a smoking crater right in her backyard. Normally, she'd be furious...but what created the crater was what made her a little worried.

When the smoke slowly faded, she saw...a man. A man in a white hood and cloak, wielding some kind of white and gold staff with a red gem and wing on it. He looked around, with Sasha seeing some kind of golden...owl mask?

He looked like an assassin from medieval times.

Sasha figured her instincts kicked in, cause her eyes and hair quickly went pink. She then summoned her sword and began sneaking down to the backyard.

The man looked around from side to side. "...what? Where am I? I was just at that Blight's lab...where's Noceda?"

He then noticed where he was, a completely regular house. He stepped out of the crater. "Okayyy, something's definitely wrong." His staff then began to glow and he smirked. "But, there is definitely something here..."

Then? Sasha slowly came out without the man noticing. She then managed to slowly fly behind him. "HEY!"

The man jumped and whipped around, quickly and totally intentionally blasting at Sasha with a red energy beam from his staff.

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