Chapter 8: Good Guys Assemble!

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Training. It was something the heroes did on rare occasions or when having new members. This was just a big fight they needed to be at their absolute best for. They needed to prepare. They needed to be ready.

Red Guard watched them all, since he was trained as much as he could be. He was also working on a backup plan in case their current one failed. Their current plan?

The Three Stars would use their strength to defeat Darcy like The Prophecy said they would, while the other heroes would handle the other villains. Red Guard would handle Belos. But Red Guard did have a feeling he'd need his backup plan much sooner rather than later.

He looked at his Paliisman, petting him. "I have you with me all the way to the end, right bud?"

Rascal chirped, nuzzling Red Guard's cheek.

Red Guard smiled, nuzzling back before turning his feathered friend into his staff again and walking out of the camp to see the heroes, six people he made shockingly fast friends with training.

Luz was sparring with Anne. Hunter was sparring with Sasha. And last but not least in the slightest, Marcy was sparring with Vee.

Luz spun around her staff, sending out multiple blasts of light. Anne quickly summoned a sword and shield, slashing or blocking all of the attacks. She then blocked a flying kick from Luz, who landed and then swept Anne right off her feet, but in mid fall, Anne flew up into the air and swung her sword twice, sending out two blue energy bursts. Luz smirked and spun around her staff again, deflecting it. She then lifted pieces of the ground into pillars, using them to try and hit Anne, who slashed at all of them. Luz then grabbed Anne's leg with a fine and shot out a vortex of fire at her. Anne smirked, blocking the fire with her shield and slashing herself free all at the same time.

The Red Guard smiled at that, nodding. "When you're with a team, you obviously have to work together. A warrior by themselves is strong, but a team? Pretty much invincible."

Sasha smashed her hammer into the ground, creating a shockwave that flew towards Hunter. Hunter quickly slammed his staff down, creating a forcefield that blocked the shockwave. He then dispersed the forcefield and lunged at Sasha, clashing his staff against her hammer. Sasha smirked and then flew up, slamming her hammer down again only for Hunter to dodge. Sasha then quickly turned her warhammer into a pair of dual swords, with Hunter doing the same. The two then clashed, golden and pink blades clashing together and sparks flying. Hunter then flipped over Sasha and took a swing, but Sasha blocked his attack by throwing her arms and swords behind her back. She then spun around, repeatedly swinging her blades in unison with Hunter.

Red Guard nodded, putting his staff behind his back. "Be totally in sync with each other, as if you're all in one mind. Get into each other's heads."

Vee took a deep breath before shapeshifting into her Basilisk form and wrapping her tail around Marcy's leg. Marcy reached into her bag and threw down a smoke bomb, causing Vee to shapeshift back into her hero form and let go. Marcy then flew into the air, firing three arrows at Vee. Vee spun around her staff, deflecting all three of them and then lunged at Marcy by flying up to her and blasting at her with blue energy. Marcy created her own shield, blocking the blast. That's when she threw her shield like a disc, with Vee barely able to dodge it. She blasted again, but this time waved her staff to send out a small ray of fire. Marcy yelped and dodged successfully. She smirked before sniffing the air and looking to the side to see her cape was on fire...again.

Marcy and Vee yelped, flying down. Vee then rushed over and quickly let out a water spell to put out the fire. Marcy sighed in relief.

Red Guard then stepped over to the two. "And last but not least, trust in each other. Every team is built on trust, especially a superhero team. Each of your lives are put in your friend's hands, so, it wouldn't hurt to trust them with it. Like trust falls just to the extreme."

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