Chapter 12: Titan's Armor

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Luz was now sitting down with King, or rather Red King in her arms.

Red King sniffled. "'re n-not really my Mama...a-are you...?"

Luz's heart broke before she nodded. "I...I AM your mom, just n-not from this world...I'm sorry for lying to you, King...I just-"

"Y-You wanted to make me feel b-better before telling me the truth." Red King said with a nod. "I-It's what my Mama would've done."

Luz hugged Red King tightly, rubbing his back. "I'm still so sorry...I could've given you false hope...I-I guess I also miss my King."

Red King hugged back, still feeling safe in his other mother's arms. "What happened...?"

"Someone really bad hurt him." Luz explained. "I'm...I'm scared..."

"But you're so brave! Or my Mama is!"

"Well, even brave people get scared." Luz said with a light smile.

Red King smiled back and cuddled into her arms. "Y-You're just like my Mama...I'm sorry about other me. I hope he feels better."

Luz nodded and kissed Red King's forehead. "And I hope you find other me. I know she misses you very much." She said.

She knew that wasn't completely the truth...but she KNEW that deep down, the Luz inside Silver Soldier was still in there. And most definitely missed her King more than anything else.

The others watched the scene, with Vee wiping her eyes. "T-That's so sweet...!"

Red Vee nodded, looking at her technical twin despite said twin being in a different form. "R-Right?"

Marcy was just squealing before hugging Anne. "We should adopt!!!"

Anne's eyes widened and her cheeks went red. She laughed nervously. "U-Uhhh, let's not t-think about kids yet, h-huh?"

"Why? You were married." Sasha smirked.

"NO, NO, NO! PAST LIVES WERE MARRIED!" Anne exclaimed.

Sasha chuckled to herself. "Oh, face it, you two are GOING to get married. We all know it's gonna happen."

Marcy and Anne looked at each other. Yeah, she was definitely right about them getting married.

Hunter then smirked with Sasha before looking at Red Guard, who was being bandaged by Emira. "Okay, Red. We're gonna need a plan. It's definite Dalos or whatever the heck her name is now followed us here."

"She calls herself Titaness." Red Guard said.

Vee blinked before her eyes widened. "Ohhh! Cause she's on the level of a Titan, I get it now!"

Red Guard chuckled. "I dunno, feels like a mouthful to me. But hey, that's just cause I hate their guts."

Marcy then stepped forward. "But Hunter does have a point. Right now, we're sitting frogs unable to hop away from their strike." She then hummed. "Well, if my theory from earlier is correct, Past Me and Past Anne can't fight back against Belos' magic in the Hivemind...but maybe one of us can?"

"What are you saying?" Kikimora asked, sitting beside Eda and Raine.

"I'm saying that maybe we can remake the device Anne used to break into the Hivemind the first time and fight back against Belos inside! Maybe even kick him out!" Marcy said.

Hunter hummed. "Well, we'd need to send our strongest to deal with Belos. He's the most powerful sorcerer in The Boiling Isles."

"Wait...what about Luz and I?" Anne asked. "I defeated The Core's hivemind once! And Luz beat Belos! I think we could manage!"

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