Chapter 13: Calamity

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They transported into The Boiling Isles, and when they landed in the middle of Bonesburrough...they saw the sky was dark, and buildings were white and golden. Banners showing The Emperor's Coven were plastered all around the town. Citizens looked MISERABLE.

Luz's eyes widened. "...oh my Titan..."

"What happened here...?" Anne whispered, looking around before she noticed guards walking by. They all hid just in time for the guards to walk past them.

Hunter looked at the others. "Looks like this version of Uncle isn't very nice either."

"Just what we need." Sasha sighed, rubbing the brink of her nose. "I'm PRAYING that wherever the Titan's Armor isn't around here. The last thing we need is a second Belos on our tail."

Marcy hummed before she saw the Silver Soldier's staff in Hunter's hands. She gently took it and looked at it, seeing technology and magic alike. She quickly got to work, trying to connect with it and using Red Guard's instructions.

"What are you doing...?" Vee asked.

"Red Guard said to just think of the armor, and it'd-"

Before Marcy could even finish, they were transported to a shockingly beautiful forest in front of a giant mountaintop. The trees' leaves were strange colors. Blue. Green. Pink.

Sasha hummed before looking around. "So, where's this army of guardians he mentioned?"

Anne looked around as well, even flying up to get a bird's eyes view. She then saw something in the distance. "Hey, guys! Up here!"

Everyone quickly flew up after Anne, following her to the end of the forest and the very beginning of a climb to the mountain.

But surrounding the mountain to a nearly endless supply was a literal stone army. All of them had different weapons in hand and stood completely still, due to being statues. They looked almost completely unscathed and even POLISHED.

Vee tilted her head, Luz scratched hers, and Hunter just stepped closer. But The Three Stars stared in disbelief. They then looked at the trees, and now their colors made TOO much sense.

Marcy then stepped closer to the leading statue and pulled down her hood. "...Cecelia."

"Katherine and Alice too." Anne whispered, walking beside her girlfriend.

Hunter blinked. "Huh? Who?"

Luz tilted her head even further than her sister did. "Uhhh..."

Marcy turned. "Well, I can't remember if we told you this yet, but we're kind of reincarnations of Celestial beings who reincarnated into ancient heroes."

Vee's jaw dropped and Hunter took off his mask, shocked. "'s...that's insane."

"Right?" Sasha laughed before turning to the army of statues. "...but why is there an army of their statues? And in here? This is a different universe."

Marcy hummed. "This DOES remind me of the Terracotta Army! The role of the Terracotta Army was to 'guard' the entire mausoleum and Qin Shi Huang believed that the army could protect him in the afterlife!"

"But that doesn't answer why they're here. And Red Guard said there were fierce guardians." Vee said before she heard a small rumbling from the statues.

Then? The statues of Alice glowed blue. The statues of Cecelia glowed green. And finally, the statues of Katherine glowed pink. They started moving, drawing their weapons as they looked at The Witches and The Three Stars.

Luz gulped. "Uh oh."

Two of the statues suddenly flew into the air in a pink and blue blur, swinging their weapons down. Anne and Sasha lunged at them, using their swords to slice the statues in half. But even more of these warriors came at them, as fast as The Three Stars themselves.

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