Chapter 11: Dimensional Destruction

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Our heroes fell through the portal, screaming or trying to find a place to land until a few seconds later? They all crashed and tumbled down a hill.

"OW! OW! OW! OW!" They all cried before all seven of them hit against a tree. There was silence for a moment as a pile of heroes just laid there, not making a sound.

Sasha finally spoke up. "...Marcy, please get off me." She said with a muffed voice.

Marcy pushed Hunter off her and then got off Sasha. The others stood up later, with Anne wrapping Red Guard's arm around her shoulder.

Red Guard winced. "O-Ow..."

"Sorry!" Anne said. "You okay...?"

"Not really. I'm in an extreme amount of pain." Red Guard said with a light hiss.

Luz then turned to everyone. "So...I think we can safely say our plan failed."

"When did they get so powerful...?" Vee whispered. "I-I knew Belos was strong, but..."

"So is The Core." Marcy said. "I-I guess she no longer has past us holding her best assumption is that Belos is now inside the Hivemind, and is using his magic to hold us back."

Anne then blinked. "Wait, if that's past us...then won't it change the future?"

Marcy was silent before she began to panic. "OH, GOD! OH, GOD! WE'RE GONNA BE ERASED FROM EXISTENCE! I'M GONNA LOSE ALL MY DEVELOPMENT!" She began taking many deep breaths, with Sasha now carrying Red Guard as Anne hugged her girlfriend.

"Mar-Mar! Mar-Mar! Look at me. Deep breaths. Deep breaths." Anne said calmly.

Marcy obeyed, taking many deep breaths. "Right...right..."

Red Guard hummed. "She does have a point though, but is also somewhat wrong. If something HAD changed the future, then a notable change would've already happened by now. Do any of you feel any different or...fading-y?"

Marcy and Anne looked at each other, looking themselves over before facing Red Guard again, shaking their heads.

"Then, you two will be just fine." Red Guard said. "In the meantime? We gotta think of a NEW plan...and also heal...I think like 10 bones in my body are broken right now..."

Hunter hissed a bit. "Yikes...where are we anyway?"

"In MY universe." Red Guard said. "Head to the Owl House. My family's there."

Luz's eyes widened. "You have a family?!"

Red Guard blinked. "Uhh, yeah? You have one, why is this so shocking?! I TOLD YOU ABOUT KING FOR TITAN'S SAKE."

"Oh, yeah!" Luz then laughed nervously. "Kinda forgot! A lot happened after that."

Red Guard sighed. "Alright. It's in the same place as yours. Anne, Marcy, Sasha? Just follow them."

Sasha nodded, carrying Red Guard as she and her friends flew into the air. Luz, Hunter, and Vee flew off with The Three Stars following soon after.

"He's been gone for days..." Eda said, looking out the window before looking at Raine. "Any luck with finding him?"

Raine sighed, taking off their coat. "No. No luck. He might be in another universe again...I can't believe I just said that."

Emira Blight, who was sitting next to Vee sleeping on the couch, fiddled with something in her hands. "Okay, he's gotta be okay...he's gotta be...he got stabbed once! HA! He'll be fine!" She cried, her eye twitching a little.

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