Chapter 3: The Guard's Life

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The moment Darcy disappeared? Luz came flying inside of her house, with her brother and sister. Hunter and Vee.

"Ami! King! I'm home!" Luz called before looking around. "Huh...where are they?"

Hunter hummed. "Hey...why was the door left open?"

"Maybe it was too hot?" Vee asked with a shrug, scratching her head before peeking outside. Her eyes widened. "UMMM, GUYS?"

Hunter and Luz peeked out as well before they gasped at what looked like the destroyed forest. All of them quickly flew over before Luz saw a sight that horrified her. A sight she would only see in the worst of her nightmares. A sight she'd hope she'd never ever see.

"AMITY!!! KING!!!!" Luz screamed, rushing down and crashing against the leaves and twigs. She ran over, cradling King and Amity. They looked badly injured. She quickly checked their pulse. Alive. "C-C'mon, baby! Wake up!" She called to King, tears forming in her eyes as she cradled him.

"O-Oh no..." Vee said with a light whimper, covering her mouth as she watched in horror.

Hunter knelt down to Amity, looking her over. He tried to open one of her eyes, and saw something only he noticed...her eyes, instead of gold. Were orange. 'What the...?'

Luz cradled Amity next, tears already streaming down her face when she saw King wasn't waking up. "A-Amity...! P-Please...! W-Wake up!"

Hunter stepped forward. "Luz-"

Luz spun around her finger, trying to use any kind of healing spell or ANY kind of spell to wake them up. But nothing worked. She felt terror burn bright like flames, licking at her skin. She trembled, holding both of them.

"Boiling Isles." Luz suddenly said. "Healers Coven. NOW!!!!"

Quickly scooping Amity and King up, the three siblings flew over to the portal that led to The Boiling Isles AKA The Demon Realm...while two figures watched.

One gigantic and the other mechanical. Both their eyes glowed a bright orange as they disappeared into the shadows.

They went through the portal, Luz practically at super speed as she went into the temple of the Healers Coven. "WE NEED HELP!!!" She cried out.

Healers, well, noticed the passed out human and SON of their king in their hero's arms and quickly got to work. Hunter handled the payment and registering and everything like that. Vee just stayed by Luz's side, doing whatever she could.

"This will only take a moment." One of the healers said. "We promise you, Mrs. Clawthorne, they'll be okay."

Luz wanted to believe them. She badly wanted too...but this fear. The doubt. It harmed her more than Belos or Kikimora EVER could. She meekly nodded as the healer left with the love of her life and her boy.

She sat down in the waiting room, trying to slow her breathing down. "...w-what happened...? W-What could have...? W-Who could have...? O-Oh, god..." Her voice began to shake. "W-What if...w-what if...!"

"H-Hey, hey! It's going to be okay!" Vee reassured, holding her sister's hand. "Amity and King are going to be just fine! I know it!"

Luz looked at Vee, her eyes watering with even more tears. But behind those was FEAR. Pure FEAR. "Y-You can't know t-that for certain! I-I can't lose them...! T-They can't, no, no, they can't die!"

"Luz...Luz, deep breaths." Vee whispered, trying to be as gentle as possible. She hugged Luz, rubbing her back in circles. Luz had calmed her down many times, so it was time she returned the favor. "Deep and out. Like you taught me."

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