Chapter 10: The Titaness

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Red Guard flew around before he looked at the vision from Vee's oracle spell from his watch. He narrowed his eyes before flying even faster.

And in classic evil villain fashion, it was some kind of abandoned factory. Red Guard crashed through the window, spinning around his staff as he began to land. He struck a pose as he landed.

Red Guard smirked. "I LOVE doing that!"

He then stood up and started looking around. He spun around his staff so light orbs would fill the dark room, just so he could see. He kept looking around before seeing a small trail of machine parts that led to an open door.

Red Guard slowly followed the trail, just in case it was a trap. He peeked inside the room and saw...Belos sitting down and facing a desk. Red Guard clutched his staff tightly. This may not have been HIS Belos...

But he remembered PERFECTLY what his Belos did to him. Did to Luz. Did to Vee. Did to Kikimora. And even to King. He didn't want vengeance to take over him, so he tried to keep least for now.

Belos seemed to be sitting completely still, not making a sound. It was like he was WAITING for Red Guard to come in and beat the crap out of him. Or perhaps, it was a trap.

Red Guard didn't wanna risk taking his time to be trapped, so he zoomed over to Belos and whacked his staff into his stomach, causing Belos to go flying against the wall. He then walked over, smirking. "WOO! Wanted to do that to SOME form of Belos for a long, long time!"

Belos didn't respond.

Red Guard became a little confused before he walked over and ripped off Belos' mask...only to see Belos himself was unconscious. He checked the Emperor's pulse. For some very strange reason, he couldn't tell if there even was one.

He stepped back. "W...What happened?"

Then? Someone teleported into the room...and a familar voice cackled. "You just fell for our trap..."

Red Guard's eyes widened in horror and he turned around to see...Darcy, but some of her armor was golden and her eyes were red with orange pupils. And finally, she had a long cape that was similar to Belos'.

" didn't." Red Guard breathed.

'Darcy' smirked. "Oh, we did. Belos and I wanted to play we fused into one being." She then took out Belos' staff and lunged at Red Guard, whacking it into his chest and sending him crashing through the wall. "Not to mention? Anne and Marcy can't fight back in the Hivemind anymore! Belos' mind and magic is keeping them at bay for as long as we want!"

Red Guard stumbled as he got up, but then looked into the multiple eyes of this new villain. "N-Not as long as I'm standing, Core..."

"Oh, please...CALL US TITANESS."  She boomed before blasting Red Guard with a red and orange energy blast. The blast itself was devastating and blew up in Red Guard's face as he was sent flying through the wall again and outside of the factory.

Titaness flew out, flying above Red Guard before she crashed down, causing a giant shockwave that once again sent Red Guard flying. To add to the pain, she grabbed her staff again and blasted him.

Red Guard screamed out in pain as he tumbled onto the now burnt grass. Titaness zoomed above him, grabbing him by the cape and spinning him around before throwing him onto a moving car, which crashed as a result.

Titaness then suddenly shrunk her staff, which turned into a red and orange energy saber. She gripped it tightly before she swung it down, with Red Guard just barely able to block the saber with his staff.

Red Guard then teleported the two of them away from any citizens, but when they landed on the roof of the abandoned factory, Titaness broke their clash and slashed him across the chest. Red Guard felt a burning pain and screamed in pain before being punched down, causing him to smash through the roof.

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