Chapter 9: A Finale...?

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The Red Guard spun around his staff before looking at his team in a way. Despite being the somewhat mentor of the team, he never worked with a team this big. "Everyone know the plan?"

Vee placed her staff against the ground, trying her hardest to use her Oracle Magic. Marcy stood beside her and lifted her hand and her hair and eyes glowing green, giving Vee some extra focus.

It then showed two locations. Belos in some kind of secluded area preparing something while Darcy and the other villains were in the middle of town, causing havoc and almost waiting for the heroes to come stop them. Even Silver Soldier was there.

"Belos seems to be creating a weapon." Hunter said. "One of us is going to have to stop him while the rest of us take care of the villains, and since Darcy's much weaker than before? The Three Stars can stop him while we take care of the rest."

Luz nodded. "But we can't kill them. We have to wait for Red Guard to return them to their timeline."

"And once that's done, everything will return to normal." Marcy said. "But will this have any effect on our memories? Like, the moment they're returned to the past, will it erase our memories to avoid a paradox?"

Red Guard hummed. "Not...really. Once they're returned to their proper timeline, all the damage and evil done by them will be reversed. But memories remain. Timey wimey science stuff."

Anne laughed a little at that before taking out her sword and raising it in the air. "Alright! Assemble?"

The Witches grabbed their staffs while Marcy and Sasha summoned their own swords and put them against Anne's in the air, with the witches doing the same with their staffs. "ASSEMBLE!"

Red Guard was sent to go after Belos, since he was the only one of the group who seemed to be LESS traumatized about Belos. Vee was experimented on by him, Luz had herself and her mother murdered by him, and Hunter was brainwashed by him. Red Guard just lost the closest person to family to him.

...guess it's a contest now, huh? Oh, yeah! The funny narrator is back. HA. YOU CAN'T GET RID OF ME.

The heroes crashed in just as the villains were destroying everything in their path. Andrias was the first to notice them and laughed. "Well, it's about time you all showed your faces!"

Luz clutched her staff. "Feeling isn't mutual!"

Sasha and Hunter stood side by side, red and pink energy igniting from the two of them as their capes blew in the wind.

Cloaker cackled, driving forward a little on his saw blade foot. "Then, let's...uhh..."

Golden Guard turned. "Really? Not even a robot can think of a good quip?"

Grom growled. "Screw the quips! LET'S JUST FIGHT!"

Silver Soldier lunged at Luz, quickly clashing her staff against her counterpart. Luz broke their clash and spun around her staff, firing out multiple golden energy bolts at Silver, who just deflected them all. Then, helping her out? Anne came flying in and slashed Silver's staff before punching her in the face.

Silver cried out, stumbling backwards before she growled and thrusted her staff forward, blasting at Anne. Anne quickly blasted back, the two energy beams colliding. Luz smiled at that before lunging at Silver Soldier, whacking her staff into her chest. Anne then zoomed behind Silver Soldier and kicked her in the back.

Luz zoomed over to where Silver was sent flying too and hit her back to Anne, who hit her back to Luz. The two essentially started playing witch pinball with Silver Soldier, both using their super speed to catch up. Blue and golden blurs flew around, hitting Silver back to each other over and over again.

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