Chapter 5: Dark Deceptions

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Marcy woke up with a cute little yawn before looking up at Anne. She blushed. "...did I fall asleep again?"

Anne laughed. "You did, Mar-Mar. But hey, I beat the game for you!"

Marcy giggled, seeing the TV was turned off. She had a small thought that Anne was fibbing about that, but she just brushed it off. "Thanks, Anna-Banana! You know how much that means to me!"

"Anything for my shining star." Anne smiled, kissing Marcy's forehead.

Marcy purred as her hair and eyes went green. "I-I'm always gonna love that."

"The nickname or the kiss?" Anne asked, tilting her head.

Marcy blushed a little more. "B-Both."

Anne's heart melted into a puddle of goo and she kissed Marcy's forehead again, and then her cheek. "Mwah!"

"A-Anne, that kinda tickles!" Marcy laughed, squirming a bit in Anne's grip.

Anne smirked suddenly. "No, it doesn't...this does." She said before ruthlessly tickling Marcy's sides.

Marcy began to laugh and laugh, even falling off the couch as she kept laughing. "AHHAHAHAHAHHA!!! AHAHAHA, NOOOOO!!!"

"Tickle, tickle!" Anne said with a high pitched voice, just to sound playful to her girlfriend. Girlfriend. Oh, she could repeat that word for days and associate it with Marcy Wu herself.

She was just glad to see her smile. Because she knew that the trauma of being possessed, being forced to do so many terrible things scarred Marcy. Her parents got her into therapy, and no matter how many times it would take? Anne would stay with Marcy until she was better.

And Marcy, she was just thankful to have Anne by her side. Even with everything she was scared of, she was glad to have Anne, the girl she had a crush on for what felt like ever, right by her side.

Eventually, Anne stopped and planted a final kiss on Marcy's lips. "I love you."

Marcy squeaked and then nuzzled into her chest. "I love you too."

The two eventually got back on the couch, with Marcy then turning to Anne. "So, do you mind if you stay the night again?"

Anne smiled. "Sure!" Her eyes then softened again. "Worried of another nightmare...?"

Marcy nodded slowly, scooting closer to Anne. "I...I wanna wake up knowing you're next to me."

Anne held Marcy close, resting her chin on her head. "And I always will be, love. I'm never leaving you behind again..." She whispered. And she meant it. She wasn't going to lose Marcy to The Core or any other evil they had to face EVER again.

Marcy smiled, purring and her horns lightly glowing green again. "You're so good to me."

"What can I say? I'm an awesome girlfriend." Anne said with a light smirk.

Marcy giggled. "Yeah!" She then blinked. "I feel like that line doesn't belong to you."

Anne nodded. "Yeah, like, that line should've been said by someone else."

"...epic girlfriend?" Marcy asked.

Anne nodded. "I'm good with that!"

Marcy purred again. "Cool!!"

After a little more of a cuddle fest, Marcy suddenly felt a shivering chill touch her. She looked around, but saw nothing. It felt oozing and slime-ish, and like the cold embrace of snow or freezing ice.

"Mar-Mar?" Anne asked, facing her beloved.

Marcy smiled. "I'm fine! Just got a little cold is all."

Anne got up. "Hang on then, I'll get us a blanket."

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