Chapter 14: The Golden Tale

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"Long ago, in an ancient time." The Calamity Knight began. "The Titans ruled over this world. There were rarely other beings to match their godlike power, and while none of them had names we know? They had emotions. Unlike the one we now stand on now, there was one Titan above the rest."

The heroes were all sat down, looking up at Calamity Knight as if he were telling a story to them in the library, and they were all a bunch of elementary school kids.

"That Titan was the kindest and believed there was good in everyone. But he was also the He created special armor with the magic he DID have. His magic was pure light, while most of his kind relied on the dark magic. That armor I speak of is now the most powerful artifact in The Boiling Isles and it is what I guard today."

Vee nodded, but Sasha spoke up. "Uhhh, not to be rude, but we kinda already know this."

"Hold on, I'm writing that down!" Marcy said.

The Calamity Knight, instead of being mad, just...stood there. Almost like his full attention was directed to The Three Stars.

Marcy then got done. "Okay, continue!"

Calamity Knight nodded. "Of course, Cecelia. But one day, and during a very...memorable day? A portal opened up. A portal that consisted of four beings. Three heroes...and a beastly creature."

He pointed at Anne with his sword. "One warrior proudly shining in golden armor, wielding a sword that was as blue as the beautiful and deadly ocean!"

He then switched to Sasha. "The second was a truly beautiful being, but also as STRONG as a Titan! With a hammer that could crush the very surface of the Earth!"

He then finally pointed his sword at Marcy. "And the last, but certainly not least was a mighty archer that could fire storms of arrows and energy itself, and be smart enough to land a direct hit every single time!"

Marcy blushed a bit. "Awwww, I'm not THAT good with archery."

"I guess my hammer is pretty cool. Too bad the real one was sliced by a lightsaber or something." Sasha sighed.

Anne waved her hand, feeling flattered. "Well, shucks!"

Luz sighed. "Why don't we get cool sentences?"

Hunter looked at his sister. "Probably because we're not over thousands of years old."

Luz nodded. "Yeah, not wrong. Not wrong."

Anne scratched her chin before she came up with something and stood up, presenting Luz. "A witch from another world with the strength and mystical power to defeat the forces of all darkness!"

Sasha nodded, getting the gist and standing up as well, showing off Hunter. "A warrior with a crimson blast that decimates armies and emperors alike!"

Marcy giggled and then got behind Vee, presenting her as well. "And a deadly Basilisk with a heart of gold and the ability to absorb ALL magic!"

Vee blushed. "Awww, I'm not THAT powerful!"

"Thanks!" Luz said with a goofy grin.

Anne gave the same goofy grin. "No problem!"

Hunter just smiled before looking back at The Calamity Knight. "Sorry about that, continue."

The Calamity Knight shook his head. "Any friends of my creators are friends of mine. No need to apologize." He then cleared his throat. "But as for what these legendary warriors were fighting? It was a beast made of pure darkness, with orange eyes that could pierce into even the most bravest of souls...The Night. The armor's forger saw this battle, and when The Night was about to KILL Cecelia...he burst in, wearing the armor and using its light to harm The Night."

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