Chapter 15: Legendary

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The Red Guard's universe was pathetic. At least to someone was as powerful as The Titaness and her army. She could destroy it if she wanted too, but that wasn't her goal. The destruction would be pointless until the heroes were crushed.

Now, they had broken into a place. Just to discuss their next move. Broken and static-y music played in the background as they all took a seat at a table. Nervous and TERRIFIED people in suits surrounded them.

Golden Guard raised a glass into the air. "To the heroes' hilarious retreat!"

"Retreat?" Cloaker asked, his orange optics narrowing. "Seems to me a job isn't done until it's done."

Andrias lightly smashed the table. "Next time I see them? I will smash them myself! Especially that boy, Hunter. His voice is earbleeding...almost as much as Anne's."

"What's with you all and revenge?" Grom asked. "All I ever wanted was to feed on fear!"

Golden Guard laughed. "Oh, sure! You totally wanted revenge just as much as we all do! In fact, wanted is not the right word."

Grom growled, standing from the table. "WHY YOU..."

Silver Soldier then slammed her fist down on the table, growling. "STOP! EVERYONE! WE ALL WANT OUR OWN THINGS AND REVENGE, BUT THE ONLY WAY WE'RE GOING TO GET IT IS TO TRUST THE EMPEROR!" She exclaimed, gesturing to The Titaness.

The Titaness had just been watching her minions argue like fools. It was amusing. She then grinned. "Thank you, Luz. Yes, everyone...and Grom."

Grom snarled a little, but got a look from Silver Soldier.

"We're frustrated." Titaness said, suddenly using her mechanical arms to slither around the table and sit everyone back down. "But the heroes will be crushed."

"How? We don't even know where they are." Grom argued.

The Titaness put her fingers together, as if she was plotting and thinking. "We simply engineer a situation to force them to be heroes. They'll come. They can't help themselves...check please." She said, facing the waiter across from her.

The waiter gulped, the tray in her hands shaking. "U-Uhh, it's on the house!"

"How kind of you." The Titaness said, wiping her mouth with a napkin. "And wise."

Red Guard grunted, slowly standing up. "...I hope they're all okay. They're kind of our last hope." He then blinked. "And my friends too."

"C'mon, they're six superheroes against an entire army and a mysterious guardian! They'll be fine!" Emira said. "You, on the other hand, better sit down again."

"Emmy, I'm fine." Red Guard said, stumbling a bit before falling into Emira's arms.

Emira smirked at her boyfriend, sitting him back down. "Oh, yeah. You're totally fine, babe."

Red Guard pouted. "Hardy har har."

Red King then went over. "C'mon, Uncle. You need to rest! You're not feeling well!"

Red Guard turned to King and saw that he was using his secret weapon. Puppy eyes and his tail wagging. "...dang your cuteness. Fine, fine, I'll relax for a little bit."

Red King smiled. "Good!"

Kikimora then looked out the window, humming a bit as if she was looking for The Three Stars and The Witches. "I still can't believe that Silver Soldier would go this far just to make sure OUR Day of Unity goes off without a hitch. If anything, THIS messes it up even further."

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