Chapter 7: Friends and Foes

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Our heroes suddenly transported into, well, they didn't exactly know where. It was some kind of campsite with a toasty fire.

Red Guard sighed in relief before turning. "Okay, that was-"

Sasha then pointed a sword at Red Guard's neck, narrowing her pink eyes. Red Guard was silent before swinging his staff against her sword. The two spun around, clashing again.

After a few seconds of staring each other down, they stopped almost immediately. Sasha nodded. "Okay, we can trust you."

Vee blinked. "Wait, what? How does that make him trustworthy?"

Anne just gave a shrug. "Fight language, I guess?"

Luz then walked over to Anne, scratching her head. "Who...who ARE you?"

"Oh!" Anne said, looking over Luz. "I'm, uhh, Heart."

Red Guard chuckled. "No need for secret identities here, Anne Boonchuy. Plus, the whole world kinda knows about you." 

Anne laughed and took off her helmet. "Right, I forgot about that! I'm Anne! Anne Boonchuy!"

Luz smiled and shook Anne's hand. "I'm Luz Clawthorne! Wait...OH! You're the one who stopped that eternal darkness a while ago!!!"

Anne nodded. "Yup! That was me and my friends who stopped it!"

Marcy stepped over, seeming amazed and eager to learn more about Luz and the fact that she was a witch.

Luz watched, giggling. "Who's this?"

Anne smiled, loving how cute her girlfriend was being. "That's my girlfriend, Marcy Wu! She's the smartest person I know!"

Luz smiled. "Hey! My girlfriend's also the smartest person I know! Heh, I remember swooning over her whenever she'd just become a full on scientist with a simple question." She said, recalling the past as Marcy studied her cape.

Anne patted her back with a smile. "I know how you feel, my new best friend."

Sasha's eyes widened and she placed a hand on her chest. "AHEM."

Anne laughed. "Sash, you know you're still my best friend!"

Sasha nodded before looking at Hunter, who was, well, still a little broken. She walked over to him, taking off her helmet. "You...okay?"

Hunter slowly took off his mask. "Well...I'm traumatized. That's for sure."

Red Guard faced his, well, twin. "I...I know how you feel." He took off his own mask to reveal an identical version of Hunter, but he seemed to have a LOT more scars than even Hunter did. Even one over his eye. "Believe me...I know."

Hunter gave a small smile. "Nice to see someone I can relate too, I guess...this is super weird." He laughed.

Red Guard snorted. "You're telling me!"

Sasha looked at both of them and hummed. "Blondes wearing red that are scarred. We're apparently a club now."

Hunter and Red Guard just laughed, standing next to Sasha.

Marcy turned one of her energy arrows into a magnifying glass, looking at Luz's ears. "Fascinating...! And so pointy too! Are all witches born with these?"

Luz smiled. "Yup!"

Marcy squealed. "What gives you your magic? Why does your staff have some kind of animal Palisman? OH! How did you get here?"

"We have this organ called a bile-sac that gives us our magic. That animal Palisman is named Otto! He's what gives my staff its magic cause he quite literally has magic blood! And finally, technological portal built by an evil horned psychopath." Luz said.

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